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Is aint got no a double negative?
Negative concord, popularly called “double negation”, as in I didn’t go nowhere; if the sentence is negative, all negatable forms are negated.
What is the rule for double negatives?
2 A double negative is a non-standard sentence construction that uses two negative forms. Double negatives are created by adding a negation to the verb and to the modifier of the noun (adjectives, adverbs, etc.) or to the object of the verb. I won’t (will not) bake no cake. I can’t (cannot) go nowhere tonight.
Is using neither and nor in the same sentence a double negative?
The Quick Answer The pairing “neither/nor” plays a negative role, so take care to avoid an unintended double negative. For example: He didn’t find neither the map nor the key.
Why are double negatives used?
Double negatives are two negative words used in the same sentence. Using two negatives usually turns the thought or sentence into a positive one. Double negatives are generally discouraged in English because they are considered to be poor grammar and they can be confusing.
Do we use negative with neither nor?
When a clause with neither or nor is used after a negative clause, we invert the subject and the verb after neither and nor: He hadn’t done any homework, neither had he brought any of his books to class.
Is aint correct grammar?
Absolutely. Ain’t is a perfectly valid word, but today, ain’t is considered nonstandard. At worst, it gets stigmatized for being “ignorant” or “low-class.” At best, it’s considered a no-no in formal writing.
How do you use a double negative in a sentence?
He’s not going nowhere. 2 A double negative is a non-standard sentence construction that uses two negative forms. Double negatives are created by adding a negation to the verb and to the modifier of the noun (adjectives, adverbs, etc.) or to the object of the verb. I won’t (will not) bake no cake.
Is it grammatically incorrect to use two negatives in a sentence?
Second, many uses of a double negative are considered grammatically incorrect. Using two negatives in a sentence to communicate a negative idea is usually considered an error. For example, I don’t know nothing about computers. You can’t tell me nothing.
What are some examples of double negation?
Leaving aside ain’t, which is a different issue, the phenomenon called “double negation” is not so simple as it may seem. Most of the languages of the world use multiple negatives to emphasize the negation, like the (respectively) French, Spanish, and Yiddish examples below: Je ne regrette rien.
Are double negatives logical?
“Like many rules that are apparently based on logic, the view that double negatives are illogical is an artificial rule introduced in the eighteenth century. It first appears in James Greenwood’s An Essay Towards a Practical English Grammar (1711), where we find the statement, ‘Two Negatives, or two Adverbs of Denying, do in English affirm.’