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Do Boy Scouts salute in Class B?
As a troop, our boys put hand over heart during the pledge when in “Class B.” They salute the flag with the scout salute when in “Class A” or “the Field Uniform.” This is just our troop rule. At some summer camps, we were required to salute the flag when wearing “Class B” uniforms.
What is Class B uniform scouts?
Class “B” Uniform: The Class B uniform consist of a Troop or other Boy Scout T-Shirt, Scout pants or shorts, and an optional scouting cap. Even though this uniform is not as official looking as the Class A uniform, it still is required to be worn clean, pressed, tucked in, and worn with pride.
Do scouts salute with left or right hand?
By agreement of the Scout Leaders throughout the world, Boy Scouts greet Brother Scouts with a left-hand clasp. This means of greeting is also used in connection with all Scout gatherings.
Does the color guard salute the flag?
Color Guard remains quiet and facing the American flag, and does not salute nor recite the Pledge of Allegiance. the American flag in its base, and the bearer and guard then face the flag, standing shoulder to shoulder.
How do you salute the flag?
The salute is given from a position of full attention, standing straight with the left arm at the side, hand against the thigh and the fingertips curled slightly inward. The feet should be placed with the heels together, the toes pointing outward at a 45-degree angle (not together).
Can Boy Scouts wear shorts?
The uniform should be neat in appearance, and shirts should be worn tucked in. Charcoal gray backpacking-shorts or long pants should be worn. These do not necessarily need to be Venturing-branded. Green shoulder loops should be worn with the green Venturing shirt.
When should Scouts wear Class A uniform?
Class A Guidlines Wear the official Class A uniform to all Pack events. When interacting with the public, the scouts must wear dark blue pants (not blue jeans). Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts wear the tan Boy Scout shirt and olive green pants. Shirts MUST be tucked in at all times.
How many fingers is Scouts honor?
The three-finger salute is used by members of Scout and Guide organizations around the world when greeting other Scouts and in respect of a national flag at ceremonies.
How do Scouts salute?
Salute: Form the Scout sign with your right hand, then finish the salute by bringing that hand up, palm down, until your forefinger touches the brim of your hat or the tip of your right eyebrow. The Scout salute is a form of greeting that also shows respect. Use it to salute the flag of the United States of America.
Why do Scouts say two?
Cub Scouts’ two-finger salute This is done to represent the two rules of the original Cub Scout / Wolf Cub law. The salute is performed with the right hand. In The Wolf Cub’s Handbook, Baden-Powell wrote: “Why two fingers? Well, you know what a Wolf’s head looks like with two ears cocked up.
Why is the Fleur de Lis The Boy Scout symbol?
Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting movement, explained that the Scouts adopted the fleur-de-lis symbol from its use in the compass rose because it “points in the right direction (and upwards) turning neither to the right nor left, since these lead backward again.” The two small five-point stars stand …
Can you wear a BSA sash on a Venturing uniform?
Venturers who qualify to earn Scouts BSA advancement** may wear the merit badge sash with the green Venturing uniform. Scouts BSA youth advancement patches may be worn on the Venturing uniform, but they cannot wear both the Scouts BSA rank patch and a Venturing Rank patch at the same time.
What is the three finger salute used for in Boy Scouts?
In Boy Scouting, we use the three-finger sign and salute. It’s the same one used by Scouts around the world. When: Give the Scout sign each time you say the Scout Oath and Scout Law. It’s also handy when you want to quiet a room quickly.
What is the correct way to salute a scout?
Salute: Form the Scout sign with your right hand, then finish the salute by bringing that hand up, palm down, until your forefinger touches the brim of your hat or the tip of your right eyebrow. The Scout salute is a form of greeting that also shows respect.
Can a Girl Scout wear a BSA rank patch on a uniform?
Scouts BSA youth advancement patches may be worn on the Venturing uniform, but they cannot wear both the Scouts BSA rank patch and a Venturing Rank patch at the same time. Venturers may also wear the Arrow of Light and Eagle knots if earned. A female Venturer or adult advisor may wear the Girl Scout Gold Award if earned in Girl Scouting.