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Is TopCoder good for competitive programming?
Topcoder: Topcoder competitive programming is a widely popular platform for competitive programming. It is one of the best coding practice sites for beginners that offer a lot of algorithmic challenges that you can complete on your own using their code editor tool.
How do you become a 5 star Coderef coder?
Don’t waste too much time in learning a language just learn basic syntax (in c++ recommended) then learn basic Data Structures such as stack, queue, priority queue, hashmap, tree, graph, etc. then learn STL such as vector, set, map, unordered_map, stack, queue, priority_queue, etc. 5.
Is it necessary to enter contests on CodeChef to get hired?
Not necessary something that will matter to your interviewer. Codechef: Codechef’s contests are good but their rating system and its relatively short age has not made it popular among recruiters. Codeforces: Another good platform with nice contests where you will get to learn new things that will improve your understanding of concepts.
What is the difference between CodeChef and Codeforces?
The contests in CodeForces are 2 hour long contest containing 5 questions in increasing order of difficulty. It takes some real good knowledge of algortihms and data structures in order to solve the last 3 problems. While on the other hand CodeChef does 3 challenges in
Is top10 at Codeforces worth it?
Top10 at Codeforces by itself will not make you highly paid programmer with a lot of opportunities. Over last 3 months I got 0 direct job offers. I discussed possibility of joining with 3 or 4 startups during ICPC World Finals, but that’s more related to knowing people in the community than to having high rating.
Is CodeChef a good way to learn programming?
The long challenge in CodeChef is actually a really good way to enhance your programming skills. Even if you don’t know anything about the problem, you have a fair amount of time to learn the algorithm and implement it. As far as the quality of questions is concerned, both of these platforms are equally good.