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What does scram mean in nuclear power plant?
The sudden shutting down of a nuclear reactor, usually by rapid insertion of control rods, either automatically or manually by the reactor operator. Also known as a “reactor trip”.
Does scram mean food?
Long before it came to be used to mean “food”, scran was actually 18th century slang for a bar tab (or “a reckoning at a boozing-ken”, as one dictionary defined it in 1725).
Where is the Three Mile Island located?
Exelon Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station
Three Mile Island accident/Location
What is positive scram effect?
a ‘positive scram’ effect when all control rods are inserted into the core at the same time under certain extreme operation conditions; complexity of reactor control, due to a large number of channels in the core.
Is scram an acronym?
Scram is usually cited as being an acronym for safety control rod axe man; however, the term is probably a backronym. The actual axe man at the first chain-reaction was Norman Hilberry.
Is scram a slang?
(slang) To leave or get out, esp. in a hurry.
What does Scallie mean in Scottish?
Scallie. The surname Scally is an anglicized version of the Gaelic “O Scolaidhe”, which means “descendant of the scholar”.
What does the Scottish word Scran mean?
Scran is also a Northern English word for food. According to ‘Chambers Concise Scots Dictionary the word originated in Scotland in the 19th century, and referred to either just food, or scraps of food gained by begging. It is frequently used by Edinburgh school children to mean “what can be scrounged”.
Has the US ever had a nuclear meltdown?
The Three Mile Island Unit 2 reactor, near Middletown, Pa., partially melted down on March 28, 1979. This was the most serious accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating history, although its small radioactive releases had no detectable health effects on plant workers or the public.
What is the meaning of China Syndrome?
The China Syndrome refers to a scenario in which a molten nuclear reactor core could could fission its way through its containment vessel, melt through the basement of the power plant and down into the earth. They made an alarming discovery: virtually all the fuel in the core had melted down.
What is the AZ 5 button?
The emergency button (AZ-5) was pressed by the operator. Control rods started to enter the core, increasing the reactivity at the bottom of the core. Power excursion rate emergency protection system signals on; power exceeded 530 MWt.
What does scram mean in court?
Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring
Alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelets (also called SCRAM bracelets for “Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring”) provide a way for courts to keep tabs on offenders who aren’t supposed to be drinking alcohol.
What does Scram stand for in alcohol?
SCRAM SCRAM means “Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor.” This device is a tamper-resistant ankle bracelet that you wear to monitor the amount of alcohol in your body after being convicted of DUI.
How does Scram work?
A SCRAM device is a tool used by courts, probation departments, and sometimes defense attorneys to monitor a client’s blood alcohol content level. It is worn around one’s ankle and takes samples of perspiration every 30 minutes to monitor and report blood alcohol levels. Data from the device is transmitted to the SCRAM company at least once a day.
What is a SCRAM unit?
SCRAM is a hi-tech ball-and-chain unit for repeat DUI offenders. The high majority of habitual DUI offenders ordered to wear an alcohol sensing ankle bracelet stayed sober while on the continuous alcohol-monitoring system, according to a 2015 SCRAM study released by the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration.