How do boards of Canada make music?
They made their sounds using recording equipment such as tape machines. The sounds are dirtied with noise and other artifacts of the recording process. The hiss, dropout, wow, and flutter of tape can be heard throughout their music in the leads and background sounds.
Are Boards of Canada Scottish?
Boards of Canada are a Scottish electronic music group. At present, the band is comprised of the brothers Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin, although there have been as many as twelve members at one point. The Sandison brothers were both born in Scotland, but moved to Canada at an early age.
What software does Boards of Canada use?
Boards of Canada is stated to use Logic Pro in a 2005 interview called “Emotional Abuse”.
What is boboards of Canada’s music?
Boards Of Canada’s music often gets described as redemptive, a postlapsarian attempt to recuperate a long-lost childhood. It’s worth remembering, however, that Eoin and Sandison were already making electronic music together long before they hit puberty.
What influenced boards of Canada’s music?
More surprising influences include agit-industrialists Test Dept, Jan Svankmajer and New Scientist, all of which bleed through into the tunes. Crucially, Boards Of Canada’s music is shot through with a powerful sense of wistfulness; in Sandison’s words, “When I was a foetus, I was nostalgic for when I was sperm”.
What makes boards of Canada so special?
All in all, then, Boards Of Canada is a perfect band handle: it perplexes, it offers a statement of intent, and it emanates from the murky depths of memory. Which just about sums up what makes the pair’s music quite so special. Boards Of Canada’s work wallows in the past, but also interrogates it, critiques it.
Is boards of Canada the perfect band handle?
Boards Of Canada members Marcus Eoin and Mike Sandison, it should be noted, spent a stretch in Canada as children during the Filmboard’s heydey. All in all, then, Boards Of Canada is a perfect band handle: it perplexes, it offers a statement of intent, and it emanates from the murky depths of memory.