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Why does AAC blocks get cracks?
When pores in the block receive water, it expands and shrinks on drying. Due to this marginal expansion, contraction in length and tensile stress, crack appears.
What are the causes of masonry wall cracks?
The commonly used building material namely masonry, concrete, mortar etc. are weak in tension and shear. Therefore the stresses of even small magnitude causing tension and shear stresses can lead to cracking.
Why do cracks appear on internal walls?
Fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels can cause framing members and drywall to expand and contract, resulting in cracking. Like other wall cracks, these can be re-taped and painted.
Can AAC blocks cause cracks in walls?
Use of AAC blocks to construct a wall is not the reason of cracks unless blocks quantity is very bad. There are many reasons which cause cracks like crazing and spider web pattern, such cracks are observed at many places. Here are the reasons which may be the cause of cracks on your wall:
How long does it take for AAC blocks to dry?
Also, they have voids due to which they may break while dropping from a low height. Due to dry shrinkage – After manufacturing, aac blocks require 28 days curing and also need to dry for 10 to 15 day to obliterate its expansion and contraction.
What are the causes of cracks in walls?
Shrinkage in blocks or poor quality of blocks may also cause a crack in a wall. Use of higher grade of cement to make mortar. Use of rich cement mortar i.e. the cement content is higher than specified in the design mix. Use of very fine sand to make mortar i.e. higher silt content or use of sand which is not graded properly.
What is the size of a AAC block?
AAC Blocks Technical Specifications Sr.No. Detail Sizes Units 1 Size 600 X 200 X Thickness mm 2 Thickness 50,75,100,125,150,200,225 mm 3 Compressive Strength > 3 – 4.5 ( IS 2185 ) N / mm 2 4 Normal Dry Density 450 – 650 Kg / m 3