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What is the cloud you see in the night sky?
In the Northern Hemisphere, the mesosphere often reaches these temperatures by mid-May, in most years. When the sun is below the ground horizon but visible from the high altitude of noctilucent clouds, sunlight illuminates these clouds, causing them to glow in the dark night sky. Illustration via NASA.
What is the cloudy thing in the night sky?
When you observe the night sky with your eyes, you can see the Moon, perhaps several planets, and many stars.
What can you see in a clear night sky?
A clear night sky offers an ever-changing display of fascinating objects to see — stars, constellations, and bright planets, often the moon, and sometimes special events like meteor showers.
Where is the great rift in the sky?
Great Rift, in astronomy, a complex of dark nebulae that seems to divide the bright clouds of the Milky Way Galaxy lengthwise through about one-third of their extent. From the constellation Cygnus, the rift reaches through Aquila and Sagittarius, where the centre of the Galaxy lies hidden behind it, to Centaurus.
What does the Large Magellanic Cloud look like?
The Large Magellanic Cloud appears as a free-floating dusty patch or random cloud in a quiet region of the sky. This hazy patch is a satellite galaxy to our Milky Way. It’s one of the closest galaxies to us at about 200,000 light-years away.
Where are the Magellanic Clouds?
south celestial pole
The Magellanic Clouds are irregular galaxies that share a gaseous envelope and lie about 22° apart in the sky near the south celestial pole. One of them, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), is a luminous patch about 5° in diameter, and the other, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), measures less than 2° across.
Where are noctilucent clouds found?
Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds on Earth, and are located in the coldest part of planet Earth, the high-latitude summertime mesopause region (80–90 km). Composed of water-ice particles, they are nucleated by meteoric smoke particles.
What object can you see in the sky during the day?
The Moon and stars are in the sky during the day, but we cannot usually see them because during the day, the Sun brightens the sky. The Sun is actually a star, and it is the closest star to the Earth.
Which object is the brightest object in the night sky?
Venus can often be seen within a few hours after sunset or before sunrise as the brightest object in the sky (other than the moon). It looks like a very bright star. Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System.
When can I see the Milky Way galaxy?
When can you see the Milky Way? First, you need the Milky Way to be in the sky above your part of the world at night. In North America, that’s during the summer months. In June through August, the Milky Way will be high in the night sky, making these the perfect viewing months.
Can you see LMC with naked eye?
The LMC is also one of very few galaxies that are visible to the unaided eye. The galaxy appears as a faint cloud more than 20 times the width of the full Moon. The visible part of the Large Magellanic Cloud is about 17,000 light years across.
What are the white clouds that cover the sky?
Cirrostratus clouds are thin, white clouds that cover the whole sky like a veil. These clouds are most commonly seen in the winter, and can cause the appearance of a halo around the sun or the moon. Weather prediction: Rain or snow will arrive within 24 hours! Cirrocumulus.
What does a clear sky chart tell you?
A more detailed explanation is here, but the short version is: the clear sky chart predicts hourly cloud cover, atmospheric transparency and seeing. (Good “seeing” occurs when the air is steady enough to allow you to see fine detail on planets through a telescope.) That means you can plan whether to observe galaxies or planets…
What are cirrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds?
Cirrostratus clouds are thin, white clouds that cover the whole sky like a veil. These clouds are most commonly seen in the winter, and can cause the appearance of a halo around the sun or the moon. Weather prediction: Rain or snow will arrive within 24 hours! Cirrocumulus clouds are thin, sometimes patchy, sheet-like clouds.
What do cumulonimbus clouds look like?
Cumulonimbus clouds grow on hot days when warm, wet air rises very high into the sky. From far away, they look like huge mountains or towers. Weather prediction: Look out for rain, hail, and tornadoes!