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Why does Saren have a Geth arm?
According to The Art of Mass Effect: Saren’s left arm is actually a grafted geth arm. The platform that Saren rides when being fought was originally intended to be used by geth troopers but was later made exclusive to Saren.
Does Saren have Geth arm?
Berserku. His implants resembled the husks, not really the Geth. It’s likely, that he enhanced his body with technology either researched on Virmire or completely gained from Sovereign.
Why did Saren need the conduit?
Saren needed the Conduit to be able to get himself and the Geth Forces into the Citadel without the risk of being destroyed by the Citadel Fleet.
Was Saren indoctrinated?
Saren, the Reaper Envoy By 2183, Saren was allied with Sovereign, the Reaper vanguard, and he was somewhat indoctrinated. However, it should be noted that Sovereign was careful to only use partial indoctrination, and Saren had a great deal of free will during this time.
Is Saren a bad guy?
Saren Arterius is the secondary antagonist in Mass Effect and the villainous deuteragonist of Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Evolution, as well as a posthumous antagonist of Mass Effect: Ascension and Mass Effect 2. He was working alongside his Reaper flagship Sovereign.
Why did Saren go rogue?
Years before the events of EA and BioWare’s game, Saren worked with the Citadel Council to keep the peace in Citadel space. As one of the Council’s Spectres, Saren gained access to Citadel resources with little supervision. That lack of oversight, however, is just one reason why Saren went rogue.
Is it possible to save Nihlus?
Can You Save Spectre Nihlus in Mass Effect? Unfortunately, no, you cannot. This is a story beat in the game that cannot be avoided regardless of any decisions you’ve made up until this point.
How did Saren know about the conduit?
The beacon tells saren about the conduit. Benezia basically mindraped the location of the Mu relay out of the rachni queen, so Saren probably got that from her. Aside from that, he has access to the beacon vision + Cipher just like Shepard does.
How did Saren find sovereign?
Mass Effect: Revelation[edit] Sovereign was discovered orbiting the Perceus Veil in 2183 by a survey team lead by Edan Had’dah, a batarian entrepreneur. Had’dah began to search for an expert to help him to understand the mysterious ship.
Is Saren evil Mass Effect?
Mass Effect villain Saren Arterius’ plan was almost perfect in execution and intent — he was missing just one critical component. Mass Effect’s major villain was Saren Arterius, a rogue Spectre who had an army of Geth backing him up.
How old is Saren Arterius?
Turian spectre Saren Arterius was born in 2139, and if he survived the first Mass Effect, he would have been 46 years old. He was born in the year of the Boar.
What did Saren want with the Thorian?
Saren sent the geth to Feros to destroy an alien life form known as the Thorian. Why Saren wants this parasitic plant creature destroyed is still unclear, but it has evidently taken control of most of the colonists back at Zhu’s Hope.