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How fast would medieval archers shoot?
English archers using a war bow 80–150lb draw weight during the period of the longbow could shoot 10–12 per min depending on the power of the bow and the age of the archer, we think, using re-enactor archers abilities.
How far did medieval archers shoot?
A six-foot bow made of yew wood, the English longbow had a draw weight of between 80 and 150 pounds, an effective range of up to 350 yards. The heavy war arrows used were able to penetrate all but the very best steel plate armor of the medieval period.
How fast is an arrow in m s?
In other words, 86 meters per second is 0.9591 times the speed of an Arrow (archery), and the speed of an Arrow (archery) is 1.04 times that amount. A 250 gram arrow will reach speeds of approximately 89.670 meters per second when fired from a 60-lb, 28-inch draw bow .
How far could ancient archers shoot?
Archers would be trained to shoot at groups of enemy and not individuals, at least not at any great range. The English/Welsh Longbow of the early 15th century, had a range of up to 350 yds or so, but it was only considered effective at up to around 200 yds.
What is the maximum distance an arrow can fly?
The answer depends on how that question is qualified. The furthest an arrow has flown is 1854 metres, shot with a footbow . The record for a modern recurve bow is 1222 metres. The longest ‘accurate’ shot (the longest distance to hit a standard FITA target), made by a Paralympic archer using a footbow was 283.47 metres.
How far can a 20 lb bow shoot?
If you are talking about a recurve bow, this is beginner level. If you want to do target shooting you are talking 20 yards as a sensible normal, 30 yards would be a maximum, for normal sights. Bare bow, no attempt at sighting, you could technically hit 40–50 yards.
How fast does a 70 lb bow shoot?
If you are using a 70 lbs. draw weight, your compound bow would have a 270 FPS. And if your draw length is indeed 30″ (as it is during IBO testing), this number would be closer to 290 FPS.
How fast does a 40 lb bow shoot?
The nock attaches to the string and when you release the string, those 40 lbs are set free. The string launches the arrow forward and transfers the energy from the string to the arrow, which is now travelling at around 240+ fps.
How fast could an Indian shoot an arrow?
Animals such as foxes, coyotes and beavers were also used in making quivers. Quick release of arrows was essential. Native Americans were able to make one shot every 3-4 seconds at a range of about 200 yards.
How far did a medieval Arrow travel?
Depending on the draw weight of the bow and the weight of the arrows, some medieval arrows were traveling well over 300 fps to reach the distances reported. That’s if you accept the distance records reported by the Mongols (600 yds) and the Turks (800 yds).
How fast could a military archer fire arrows?
How fast they COULD fire is not the same as how fast they WOULD fire. A military archer could shoot 10 to 15 arrows a minute.
How did medieval archers practice their archery?
Furthermore, with a lighter bow they practiced by shooting down game birds on the wing. At short range with the bow they used in war, at say 50m the arrow penetrated the frontal armour on a horse by about 18 inches. There is some suggestion that arrows were run out to the archers in packs of 6 or so.
How heavy of an arrow can a medieval longbow shoot?
Reproductions of medieval bows made of the same materials, in the same way, to the same dimensions have launched heavy war arrows over 200 fps/300 yds, and lighter flight arrows about 375 fps/600 yds. Joe Gibbs has sent heavy war arrows over 300 yds with a 170–180 pound (varies with temperature and humidity) Italian yew English style longbow.