What is the difference between system config Dir and profile Dir?
If the system config dir is an ancestor of the profile dir, the user cache dir is the system cache dir plus the relative path from the system config dir to the profile dir. Otherwise, the user cache dir is the same as the profile dir. On Android, the user cache directory comes from Context.getCacheDir.
How is the User Cache Dir derived from the profile Dir?
On Mac OS X and iOS, the user cache dir is derived from the profile dir as follows: If Library/Application Support is an ancestor of the profile dir, the user cache dir is Library/Caches plus the relative path from Application Support to the profile dir. Otherwise, the user cache dir is the same as the profile dir.
What is the full form of Bel?
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is a Navratna PSU under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. BEL a Navratna PSU under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. It manufactures electronic products and systems for the Army, Navy and the Air Force.,Bharat Electronics
What is the difference between a directory and a Dir?
Displays a list of a directory’s files and subdirectories. If used without parameters, dir displays the disk’s volume label and serial number, followed by a list of directories and files on the disk (including their names and the date and time each was last modified). For files, dir displays the name extension and the size in bytes.
What is the default location of each profile?
Each profile is a subdirectory (often Default) within the user data directory. Current Location. To determine the user data directory for a running Chrome instance: Look for the Profile Path field. This gives the path to the profile directory. The user data directory is the parent of the profile directory.
What is the parent directory of the profile directory?
The user data directory is the parent of the profile directory. The default location of the user data directory is computed by chrome::GetDefaultUserDataDirectory. release channel (stable / beta / dev / canary). The default location is in the local app data folder: (The canary channel suffix is determined using InstallConstants::install_suffix .)
How do I determine whether a user account has a damaged profile?
To determine whether a user account has a damaged user profile, follow these steps: Create a new user account. Give it the same rights and group memberships or associations as the account that has the profile that you suspect may be damaged. Copy the user settings in the suspect profile to the profile of the newly created user account.