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What causes polyphagia?
Uncontrolled blood sugar from stress, anxiety, or depression can lead to polyphagia. Feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed can also increase comfort-eating and binge-eating. While comfort-eating and binge-eating are not the same as polyphagia, they can cause increased blood sugar, which leads to polyphagia.
What is the reason for the symptoms polyuria polydipsia and polyphagia in type 1 diabetes mellitus?
The most common symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) are polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia, along with lassitude, nausea, and blurred vision, all of which result from the hyperglycemia itself. Polyuria is caused by osmotic diuresis secondary to hyperglycemia.
What causes polydipsia in diabetes insipidus?
Also known as dipsogenic diabetes insipidus, this condition can cause production of large amounts of diluted urine from drinking excessive amounts of fluids. Primary polydipsia can be caused by damage to the thirst-regulating mechanism in the hypothalamus.
How does the body respond to diabetes insipidus?
When the level of water in your body decreases, your pituitary gland releases AVP to conserve water and stop the production of urine. In diabetes insipidus, AVP fails to properly regulate your body’s level of water, and allows too much urine to be produced and passed from your body.
Why does polyuria occur with diabetes mellitus?
Polyuria in diabetes occurs when you have excess levels of sugar in the blood. Normally, when your kidneys create urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar and direct it back to the bloodstream. With type 1 diabetes, excess glucose ends up in the urine, where it pulls more water and results in more urine.
What is cause of insulin resistance?
Obesity (being significantly overweight and belly fat), an inactive lifestyle, and a diet high in carbohydrates are the primary causes of insulin resistance. Some women develop insulin resistance while they are pregnant. This is called gestational diabetes.
What causes polyuria and polydipsia in feline diabetes mellitus patients?
For cats with FCS that also have diabetes mellitus (usually secondary to chronic excesses in systemic cortisol concentrations causing insulin resistance), the explanation for their PU/PD is the osmotic diuresis associated with glucosuria, especially if the diabetes is not well controlled.
What is Polyphagia polydipsia and polyuria in diabetes?
The big 3 diabetes signs are: Polyuria – the need to frequently urinate, particularly at night. Polydipsia – increased thirst & need for fluids. Polyphagia – an increased appetite.
Why is sodium high in diabetes insipidus?
Diabetes insipidus is present when the serum osmolality is raised (>295 milliOsmol/kg) with inappropriately dilute urine (urine osmolality <700 milliOsmol/kg). The serum sodium is often elevated due to excess free water losses.
What causes polyuria and polydipsia?
The more common causes of polyuria and polydipsia (eg, hypercalcemia, chronic renal insufficiency, pyelonephritis, hyperadrenocorticism), in most instances, have specific and obvious abnormalities associated with the complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry profile, and urinalysis.
Why are thiazides used in diabetes insipidus?
Thiazides have been used in patients with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) to decrease urine volume, but the mechanism by which it produces the paradoxic antidiuretic effect remains unclear.
Why does polyuria occur?
The most common causes of polyuria are diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. In addition, polyuria can be caused by medications, caffeine, alcohol, kidney disease, and electrolyte imbalance. Urine is created in the kidneys with water and solids filtered from the bloodstream.