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How do you counter a submarine?
There were only two ways of countering the military submarine initially: ramming them or sinking them with gunfire. However, once they were submerged, they were largely immune until they had to surface again. By the start of the First World War there were nearly 300 submarines in service with another 80 in production.
What makes submarines undetectable?
A submarine can “hide” under a layer of cold water where an active hull-mounted sonar (HMS) can’t reach since the sound wave will bounce off the layer up against the surface. For this reason, surface ships have variable depth sonars (VDS) that they can dip below the layers and search.
Is there a way to escape a submarine?
Locks allow submariners to escape by first climbing through an inner door or hatch and sealing it tightly behind themselves. They then partially flood the small volume before the outer hatch will swing open, but this two-door system means they do not need to flood the entire boat.
How close does a depth charge have to be?
Although the explosions of the standard United States 600 lb (270 kg) Mark 4 and Mark 7 depth charge used in World War II were nerve-wracking to the target, a U-boat’s undamaged pressure hull would not rupture unless the charge detonated closer than about 15 ft (4.6 m).
What depth will a submarine implode?
It’s generally accepted that the maximum depth (depth of implosion or collapse) is about 1.5 or 2 times deeper. The latest open literature says that a US Los Angeles-class test depth is 450m (1,500 ft), suggesting a maximum depth of 675–900m (2,250–3,000 ft).
How do you escape sunken submarine?
Modern escape suits include full-body protection against drowning, hypothermia and decompression sickness. The Royal Navy also has a ‘Submarine Parachute Assistance Group’ trained to airdrop to the site of a sinking sub and recover survivors as they emerge.