Table of Contents
What is the Satanic Trinity?
The satanic trinity consists of: The false god is symbolized by a dragon; the false christ is symbolized by a beast out of the sea; the false spirit is symbolized by a beast out of the earth. 1.
What is Satan’s pseudotrinity?
In an attempt to be like God—a triunity of three persons in one Godhead—Satan will assemble a pseudotrinity, briefly achieving what he has always wanted: mankind’s worship of him as God.
What will Satan do in the end times?
In the end times, Satan will make one last (and almost successful) attempt to consolidate religion around himself, and to rule in God’s stead. The satanic trinity consists of: The false god is symbolized by a dragon; the false christ is symbolized by a beast out of the sea; the false spirit is symbolized by a beast out of the earth.
What is the Trinity in Latin theology?
The Doctrine as Interpreted in Latin Theology. I. THE DOGMA OF THE TRINITY. —The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion—the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another.
What is the counterfeit Trinity of the Holy Spirit?
These two, along with Satan, make up the counterfeit trinity of this period. During the tribulation, Satan will produce a counterfeit Christ and a counterfeit Holy Spirit. The first beast will be the counterfeit Holy Spirit. The first beast we will study will be the counterfeit Christ and the second beast will be the counterfeit Holy Spirit.
Who is the second member of the unholy trinity?
The second member of the unholy trinity is the Beast or Antichrist described in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7. The beast comes out of the sea, which typically in the Bible refers to the Gentile nations. He also has seven heads and ten horns, indicating his connection to and indwelling by Satan.