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Are 737 Max 8 still grounded?
Boeing’s 737 Max is back in service in most of the world, but China remains a holdout. The Boeing 737 Max 8. Boeing. Two years after it was banned from flying passengers, the Boeing 737 Max has been cleared to return to the skies in much of the world.
What is the fault with Boeing 737 Max?
The plane’s twin crashes resulted from systemic breakdowns in company culture, management oversight and airplane safety regulation. No single villain is to blame. Boeing’s 737 Max planes had to be grounded for almost two years.
How did Boeing respond to the crisis?
Boeing decided to use “denial” as their crisis response strategy after the crash on March 10, 2019. According to Benoit’s typology, this is a strategy of “simple denial” (Benoit, 1995), where an organization denies any association to a disruption.
When did the 737 Max crashes happen?
In the days after the second 737 Max crashed in March 2019, regulators around the world — from China to the European Union and several other countries — grounded the plane. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration followed suit on March 13, 2019, after initially saying the planes were safe to fly.
What happened to the Boeing 737 MAX?
Boeing’s 737 MAX: A Failure of Management, Not Just Technology. On November 18, 2020, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration cleared the Boeing 737 MAX for flight, but the history of how Boeing got to this point remains disturbing. 1 Back in September 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives released a 238-page report on the 737 MAX debacle,
Should Boeing’s 737 MAX recertification process be halted?
“The FAA should immediately halt the recertification process for the 737 Max in light of this report,” said Michael Stumo, father of Samya Stumo. He accused Boeing and the FAA of withholding information from the families of victims in an emailed statement.
Can you fly the Boeing 737 MAX without new training?
In addition to the MCAS single-sensor design, in July 2014, Boeing decided that pilots experienced on earlier 737 models could fly the 737 MAX without new training on a simulator. Boeing made the same pledge to airline customers. 11 Boeing even offered to refund $1 million per plane if more training proved necessary.
What is MCAS software on the Boeing 737 MAX?
Rather than redesign the plane, Boeing chose to install MCAS, which it adapted from another aircraft. The idea was that MCAS software would enable the 737 MAX to emulate the handling characteristics of the 737NG model by pushing down the front of the plane when sensor readings indicated the nose was too high. Sounds good.