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Are mass drivers possible?
Although mass drivers commonly appear in science fiction and a few other concepts have been proposed, none has yet been built. But according to its designers, Startram uses available technology and is commercially feasible, suggesting that it could potentially be built.
Is a mass driver feasible?
Unfortunately, the mass driver is feasible to operate only on the Moon, because it needs vacuum. A mass driver operating on Earth would cause meteoric friction heat to such hypervelocity payloads and great physical stresses, at the dense bottom of Earth’s atmosphere (ocean of air) as they left the catapult tunnel.
Can rockets be launched in a planet with no atmosphere?
Yes. With no atmosphere it would be much easier in fact as there is no extra fuel needed to resist the atmospheric drag caused by the friction between the ship, and the atmosphere. As for fuels it would be the same as a launch from Earth a need for oxidizer, or use of a hypergolic fuel.
What would happen if all planets moved in the same orbit at the same time?
If two planets pass closely by one another in orbit, one can perturb the other, resulting in a massive orbital change. These two planets could collide, one of them could get ejected, or one could even get hurled into their central star.
Is a railgun a mass driver?
Although any device used to propel a ballistic payload is technically a mass driver, in this context a mass driver is essentially a coilgun that magnetically accelerates a package consisting of a magnetizable holder containing a payload. Hybrids between coilguns and railguns such as helical railguns are also possible.
Can you catapult a spaceship into space?
LOS ANGELES: A new startup called SpinLaunch plans to prople rockets into orbit without having to use a chemical engine. It intends to slingshot crafts into space using a novel catapult technology that spins the rocket using a centrifuge. It sounds like an impossible feat, but a physicist has said that it is possible.
How do mass drivers work in Mindustry?
The mass driver is a block used to transport items very fast. There has to be at least two mass drivers before items can be unloaded with a conveyor.
What is launch mass?
The initial mass, mi, is the mass of the launch vehicle upon takeoff. The final mass, mf, is the mass of the vehicle upon propellant burnout. Thus, for a given amount of propellant, the ideal rocket equation calculates the maximum change in velocity that can be provided to the vehicle.
Do objects keep accelerating in space?
Originally Answered: Will an object, thrown in space, accelerate or travel at a constant speed? For all practical purposes, yes. While outer space is considered a vacuum, there is dust, ice and other small particles just floating around that could eventually slow down the object.
Can a planet orbit a black hole?
In order to receive strong enough CMB light, a planet would need to orbit very close to the black hole’s event horizon. Normally an object that close would soon get sucked in. If the black hole is spinning fast, however, close stable orbits are possible.
Can a mass driver be used on Earth?
A mass driver on Earth would usually be a compromise system. A mass driver would accelerate a payload up to some high speed which would not be enough for orbit.
Why don’t we use Earth-based mass drivers to propel vehicles to orbit?
Earth-based mass drivers for propelling vehicles to orbit, such as the StarTram concept, would require considerable capital investment. The Earth’s relatively strong gravity and relatively thick atmosphere make the implementation of a practical solution difficult.
How are mass drivers used to propel spacecraft?
Mass drivers can be used to propel spacecraft in three different ways: A large, ground-based mass driver could be used to launch spacecraft away from Earth, the Moon, or another body.
What is a mass driver on the Moon?
Artist’s conception of a mass driver on the Moon. A mass driver or electromagnetic catapult is a proposed method of non-rocket spacelaunch which would use a linear motor to accelerate and catapult payloads up to high speeds. All existing and contemplated mass drivers use coils of wire energized by electricity to make electromagnets.