Can an alter be older than you?
Alters can stay the same age forever, change age depending on the situation (age-sliding), or age normally. Many systems have alters of various ages, including ones that are older and ones that are younger than the body. It is important to recognize these age differences and work with alters at age-appropriate levels.
How old can an alter be?
Alters are considered littles until they present at around 8 years old. After that, many consider them to be middles until they present at around 12 or 13 years old. Teenage alters are considered to be those between 13 and either 18 or 21 years of age. Adult alters, or bigs, are those older than the internal teens.
What is a slider age?
An age slider is a type of Alter that changes their age. For example; an alter could be 14 years old but then age shift and be 20 years old. Some alters age normally, gradually, and over time. Other alters just suddenly change age.
Can DID alters be older than the host?
✘ Myth: Parts in a DID system are all just variations of the host at different traumatized ages of their life. Nope. Parts can be any age, gender, or personality type.
How common are alters in the did system?
These alters are very common in many DID systems. There can be many littles or children within a single system. Unlike biological children, they can usually understand very complex concepts. They commonly speak and act like children.
What does it mean when your alter comes out?
Persecutors These alters are ones that often act in harmful ways, but have protective intentions. They usually have distorted views of reality. Sometimes, they can come out to keep the hosts from disclosing an abuser or punish a child alter for telling somebody about the abuse.
What are the different types of did alter types?
The following are common DID alter types: Child and adolescent alters – young alters are often the first discovered in therapy and are the most common type of alter. These alters emerge to handle the abuse that the original personality couldn’t tolerate.
What is a little Alter called?
These alters emerge to handle the abuse that the original personality couldn’t tolerate. A DID alter may be referred to as a “little” if the alter acts seven years or younger. Protector or rescuer alters – these alters can be of any age and were created to save the original person from intolerable situations.