Are there Black Panthers in the world? The term black panther is most frequently applied to black-coated leopards (Panthera pardus) of Africa and Asia and jaguars (P. onca) of Central and South America; black-furred variants of these species are also called black leopards and black jaguars, respectively. Why are black panthers important to the environment?…
Category: Blog
Can two different breeds of cats mate?
Can two different breeds of cats mate? “In fact, any of the species that have litters and can be bred multiple times during one heat cycle can have offspring with different sires,” she said. The scientific term for such breeding is superfecundation. Female cats are induced ovulators and need to be bred before they release…
What happens if UPS delivers a package to the wrong address?
What happens if UPS delivers a package to the wrong address? If you need to call the UPS to try and recover your package, one way to go about it is calling them at 1800 P-I-C-K U-P-S. Once you get the machine to answer the phone, press 0 a few times in order to be…
What was the first spectrum computer?
What was the first spectrum computer? ZX Spectrum The ZX Spectrum (UK: /zɛd ɛks/) is an 8-bit personal home computer developed by Sinclair Research. It was first released in the United Kingdom on 23 April 1982 and went on to become Britain’s best-selling microcomputer….ZX Spectrum. An issue 2 1982 ZX Spectrum Developer Sinclair Research Successor…
Can frequent urination cause dizziness?
Can frequent urination cause dizziness? Frequent urination can be a sign of an infection or problem within the urinary tract. This can also be associated with dizziness and fatigue, which are symptoms that can occur with many different medical conditions. If you have symptoms of a urinary tract infection, seek the advice of your doctor…
What are some highly recommended books?
What are some highly recommended books? Our Most Recommended Books Buy now Listen now. War and Peace (book) by Leo Tolstoy. Buy now Listen now. On Liberty. Buy now Listen now. Middlemarch. Buy now Listen now. Nineteen Eighty-Four. Buy now Listen now. The Confessions. Buy now Listen now. The Odyssey. Buy now Listen now. The…
Can a 16 year old date a 40 year old?
Can a 16 year old date a 40 year old? The legal age of consent in Califonia is 18 years old. This means it is a crime for anyone, regardless of age, to have sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 18. Having sex with a minor can result in prosecution for a…
What was Odin doing on earth?
What was Odin doing on earth? MORE FROM THE WEB Odin exiled Thor to Earth in order to teach him humility and put his ego to one side, and by remaining on our planet during Ragnarok when he could have easily returned to Asgard, the Allfather lived out the rest of his days in the…
Was Odin related to Ymir?
Was Odin related to Ymir? The Prose Edda also states that three gods killed Ymir; the brothers Odin, Vili and Vé, and details that, upon Ymir’s death, his blood caused an immense flood. Who is Ymir to Odin? Aurgelmir, also called Ymir, in Norse mythology, the first being, a giant who was created from the…
What is good measurement?
What is good measurement? If you say that something is done for good measure, you mean that it is done in addition to a number of other things. I repeated my question for good measure. What are the characteristics of good research instrument? For scientific and experimental researches the materials and equipment to be used…