Why do man pages have numbers? 8 Answers. The number corresponds to what section of the manual that page is from; 1 is user commands, while 8 is sysadmin stuff. What is the use of man command in Unix? man command in Linux is used to display the user manual of any command that we…
Category: Blog
Is one punch man one of the best anime?
Is one punch man one of the best anime? With gorgeous animation, character-driven comedy, and legitimately intense action sequences, One-Punch Man is really one of the best anime of all time. If you gave up on anime after the heyday of Dragon Ball Z, One-Punch Man is the perfect series to re-ignite your love of…
What is the fastest way to cure pleurisy?
What is the fastest way to cure pleurisy? Pleurisy that’s caused by bronchitis or another viral infection can resolve on its own, without treatment. Pain medication and rest can help relieve symptoms of pleurisy while the lining of your lungs heals. This can take up to two weeks in most cases. It’s important to get…
Which direction do you pray in the Kaaba?
Which direction do you pray in the Kaaba? In Islam the sacred direction is towards Mecca, or more precisely, towards the sacred Kaaba in Mecca. Muslims face this direction in prayer and during various other ritual acts. Muslim astronomers from the 9th century onwards dealt with the determination of the qibla, as the sacred direction…
Why did Linda Ronstadt wear a Cub Scout uniform?
Why did Linda Ronstadt wear a Cub Scout uniform? She convinced the salesman to sell it to her by telling him that she was buying the uniform for her son back in California. So Linda was wearing the uniform without authorization, which is strictly against regulations. What is the importance of scouting? Through recreation, Scouting…
How is AMC 10 scored?
How is AMC 10 scored? The AMC 10 and AMC 12 each have 25 questions. Each correct answer is worth 6 points (for a maximum score of 150) and each unanswered question is worth 1.5 points. There is no deduction for wrong answers. Note that you don’t need to get all of the questions right…
How do I read the source code of shell commands?
How do I read the source code of shell commands? Visit for example: ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/coreutils You can browse the code online. Open one of the archives and check for the src folder. ls is not part of Linux, it is part of Gnu. Gnu runs on Linux and other kernels. Where is source code in Linux…
What is the major difference between ARM and x86 processor?
What is the major difference between ARM and x86 processor? ARM vs. x86. The primary difference between the two major processors is that ARM utilizes smaller silicon space and lower power, conserving energy for longer battery life. Meanwhile, x86 delivers far more power and higher performance. Why is ARM so much faster? ARM is faster/more…
What does the dog may bark but the caravan moves on meaning?
What does the dog may bark but the caravan moves on meaning? Proverb. the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. History (or progress) moves ahead, no matter the criticism it may attract. Who said the dogs bark but the caravan moves on? Quote by Joseph Needham: “The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves…
What are PIC microcontrollers used for?
What are PIC microcontrollers used for? PIC microcontrollers are used in different new applications such as smartphones, audio accessories, and advanced medical devices. There are many PICs available in the market ranging from PIC16F84 to PIC16C84. These types of PICs are affordable flash PICs. What is the difference between PIC microcontroller and 8051? 8051 is…