What height do planes usually fly at? In the commercial aviation industry, typical cruising altitudes range from 30,000 to 36,000 feet. That’s about seven miles above sea level. The reason commercial airplanes fly at 30,000 to 36,000 feet is because it places them in a unique part of Earth’s atmosphere known as the lower stratosphere….
Category: Blog
Is an axe good in a zombie apocalypse?
Is an axe good in a zombie apocalypse? The axe has the force needed to delimb or decapitated a zombie, but it is slow. Against one zombie, fine, but not against a large mob of them. A sword is good, but still far too close, and strong enough without a full (and slower) swing. What…
Will Robinhood bring back AMC?
Will Robinhood bring back AMC? Robinhood will allow users to buy GameStop and AMC shares again after restricting trading. Robinhood will allow limited purchases to GameStop, AMC, and other stocks part of the recent Reddit-fueled rally. The company said it restricted trading to comply with “financial requirements.” Is AMC banned from Robinhood? Robinhood has added…
When did Star Wars take place in Earth time?
When did Star Wars take place in Earth time? 1607 AD is 14 years after the first Death Star blew up! We have our reference! That means New Hope took place in 1593 AD. Ergo, Star Wars: The Force Awakens takes place in the year 1627 AD. What year does the first Star Wars take…
Is hernia surgery considered elective?
Is hernia surgery considered elective? When does hernia surgery become an emergency? Many inguinal hernia repairs are considered elective procedures, because patients often have the option of when to schedule surgery. How much is a hernia operation in Ireland? But he said doctors had been pushing for the expansion of day-care surgery. For example, a…
Why do haters follow you on social media?
Why do haters follow you on social media? “As you’re consuming [that content], there is a feeling this is diffusing some of the emotions we’re feeling.” We also hate-follow because it makes us feel superior, Dr Kern says. “We can feel better about ourselves by judging others; ‘Well at least I’m not like that person….
How do we know the Big Bang theory is correct?
How do we know the Big Bang theory is correct? What evidence is there to support the Big Bang theory? Two major scientific discoveries provide strong support for the Big Bang theory: • Hubble’s discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy’s distance from Earth and its speed; and • the discovery in…
What is AGP and VGA?
What is AGP and VGA? It is graphics standard, monitor standard. First standard for “higher resolution” color monitors. VGA is short for Video Graphics Array and resolution was 640 x 480 pixels. What is the difference between the performance of integrated video card and the separate video card? Integrated Graphics Card speed is inferior than…
Is hydrino real?
Is hydrino real? But turn to Randell Mills, the founder, chairman, chief executive, and president of BlackLight Power, and he’ll tell you that this lower-energy hydrogen, which he calls hydrino, is very real indeed. Mills says he’s published numerous papers describing his theoretical results in peer-reviewed journals. What is hydrino theory? Hydrinos are alleged lower-energetic…
How is Chicago style different from MLA and APA?
How is Chicago style different from MLA and APA? The main differences between MLA, APA, and Chicago format are the way the title page, in-text citations, and reference lists are created. MLA uses the author-page number style for in-text citations, while APA uses the author-date citation style. Chicago offers two citation styles: notes-bibliography and author-date….