What does the box mean in math? A rectangular shape (in 2 dimensions) Or a “cuboid” (in 3 dimensions) How do you integrate a box function? The ‘box function’ or the ‘floor’ function cannot be integrated like your regular algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic functions. If you’re integrating from limit a to limit b, you’re basically finding…
Category: Blog
Do purebred cats have papers?
Do purebred cats have papers? All sorts of paperwork accompanies a responsibly bred purebred cat, but what most people mean when most people say a cat “has papers” they mean registration papers issued by a cat registry. Some people also mean that the cat has a pedigree, which is simply a family tree showing the…
How do you find the area of a triangular field?
How do you find the area of a triangular field? The area A of a triangle is given by the formula A=12bh where b is the base and h is the height of the triangle. How do you find the area of two angles? To calculate the area of a triangle given one side and…
What is zoning out a symptom of?
What is zoning out a symptom of? Zoning out is one of the more common warning signs of ADHD in both children and adults. Zoning out in conversations with family, or meetings at work are a reflection of attention issues, which is a leading sign in the diagnosis of ADHD. Why do I always feel…
Why did APJ Abdul Kalam named his autobiography Wings of Fire?
Why did APJ Abdul Kalam named his autobiography Wings of Fire? Explanation: “Wings of Fire (Agni ki udaan)” is an autobiography of Late APJ Abdul Kalam, scientist and former president of India. The name, wings of fire was specifically chosen because he was the man behind the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology…
How does religion affect the education system?
How does religion affect the education system? Increased religious attendance is correlated with higher grades. In one study, students who attended religious activities weekly or more frequently were found to have a GPA 14.4 percent higher than students who never attended. Religiously involved students work harder in school than non-religious students. How does religion helps…
Are Audio Technica ATH-M40x comfortable?
Are Audio Technica ATH-M40x comfortable? May not be immediately comfortable, but breaks-in well. Perhaps the only major downside for the Audio Technica ATH-M40x headphones is the consistent user complaints about initial comfort. If you have a small and medium head size, then these headphones will probably fit really well. Is Ath-M30X good? The Audio-Technica ATH-M30x…
Do you gain muscle at basic training?
Do you gain muscle at basic training? Basic training — Building muscle, making friends all part of Boot Camp. Most have experienced weight loss, but some are adding muscle and that means slight gain as the fat begins to burn away. Does Boot Camp make you bulky? You will likely be utilizing some weights during…
What are the most widely used personality tests?
What are the most widely used personality tests? The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most widely used personality inventory for both clinical and nonclinical populations, and is commonly used to help with the diagnosis of personality disorders. What are the two most popular personality tests? Three of the most popular personality tests are…
What is mass of 1 mole of water?
What is mass of 1 mole of water? 18.01528 g/mol Water/Molar mass What mass is 0.5 mole water? Mass of 0.5 mole of water is 9g. What is the mass of 1 molecule of water H 1 o 16? we have calculated the mass of one molecule of water as 2.989×10−23g. How many moles are in…