Is 45000 NEET rank good? NTA released the NEET 2021 results on November 1. As many as three candidates have scored a perfect 720 and have secured AIR 1….NEET Marks vs Ranks. Marks Scored (Out of 720) Expected All India Rank 401-410 99,000-1,20,000 381-400 1,20,000-1,30,000 361-380 1,30,000-1,45,000 How many government seats are there for general…
Category: Blog
What other ATMs can I use with Wells Fargo?
What other ATMs can I use with Wells Fargo? Although Wells Fargo has no physical ATM locations outside the U.S., you can withdraw cash at any overseas ATM for $5 per withdrawal plus any other ATM operator fees. Where can I use my Wells Fargo card for free? Wells Fargo now allows customers to use…
How many pi bonds exist for C2H2?
How many pi bonds exist for C2H2? two pi bonds Acetylene is said to have three sigma bonds and two pi bonds. How many sigma and pi bonds are in c2h4? 5 sigma and one pi bond. How many SP SP bonds are there in C2H2? In the formation of C2H2, the carbon atom needs…
What did Theodoric do?
What did Theodoric do? Theodoric went on to murder the dead man’s wife and son and to massacre his followers remorselessly throughout northern Italy. Whether Theodoric governed Italy as an independent king or as an official of the Roman emperor at Constantinople has been much debated. Who was the first barbarian king of Rome? Odoacer…
What does Targish Tov mean?
What does Targish Tov mean? feel better my dear friend English term or phrase: feel better my dear friend. Hebrew translation: targish tov, yedidi ha-yakar … How do you say thank you in Hebrew to a female? “Thank you so much.” Toda raba. Toda raba. The polite way to say “thank you” to a woman….
What does 1 cubic Metre of steel weigh?
What does 1 cubic Metre of steel weigh? A guide to the weight of common engineering metals, expressed as kgs per cubic metre Metal or Alloy Kg /Cu. Mtr Phosphor Bronze 8850 Cast Iron 7300 Copper 8930 Steel 7850 How many kg is 1m3 of cement? The answer is: The change of 1 m3 (…
What is Iatrogenic pneumothorax?
What is Iatrogenic pneumothorax? Iatrogenic pneumothorax is a patient safety indicator (PSI) condition. It is a traumatic pneumothorax secondary to an invasive procedure or surgery. The most common cause is the placement of a subclavian central venous line (CVL). What is the management of pneumothorax? Treatment options may include observation, needle aspiration, chest tube insertion,…
What happens if you get an F in first quarter?
What happens if you get an F in first quarter? What happens if you fail one-quarter of high school? If you pass one quarter but fail the second quarter of an academic class, you will only need to retake that quarter. If you fail the first quarter in a math class or world language class,…
Are beautiful people more talented?
Are beautiful people more talented? After more than 30 years of study these researchers concluded that humans are hardwired to favor more attractive people. Attractive individuals also tend to be more talented, kinder, more trustworthy, and more intelligent than others. Is Beautiful a talent? Beautiful people are not more talented; they are more noticed. Talent…
Which is better for gaming AMD or Intel?
Which is better for gaming AMD or Intel? Intel’s top CPUs cost more than their AMD counterparts, especially once you add in a decent cooler, but they’re often a bit faster in games. AMD meanwhile is able to trounce Intel when it comes to multithreaded applications. Is AMD processor good for gaming? AMD Ryzen 5…