How does leave work in Marines? Active duty service members in all branches receive 2.5 days of leave per month. That equals 30 days of leave each year. You may carry up to 60 days to the next fiscal year to take longer vacations. Any leave time over 60 days at the end of the…
Category: Blog
Which has more scope BDS or MBBS?
Which has more scope BDS or MBBS? As by opting one among both MBBS vs BDS courses, graduates serve the nation and take care of health and hygiene. Due to limited knowledge, any aspirants even thinking of becoming a doctor end up opting for the MBBS course but BDS is also the best alternative. Are…
What makes a sound loud or soft?
What makes a sound loud or soft? Volume is how loud or soft a sound is. The volume depends on the amount of energy in a sound wave. If you hit a table hard it will make a louder sound then if you hit is soft. A human can hear 120 decibels but it is…
What does 1 cubic Metre of steel weigh?
What does 1 cubic Metre of steel weigh? A guide to the weight of common engineering metals, expressed as kgs per cubic metre Metal or Alloy Kg /Cu. Mtr Phosphor Bronze 8850 Cast Iron 7300 Copper 8930 Steel 7850 How many kg is 1m3 of cement? The answer is: The change of 1 m3 (…
How do you clean buckets for food storage?
How do you clean buckets for food storage? Mix a tablespoon of bicarbonate with some soapy, tepid water and fill your plastic bucket to the brim. Leave it to sit for as long as you can, perhaps overnight, and in the morning, give it a stir and then tip the liquid to see if the…
What did Theodoric do?
What did Theodoric do? Theodoric went on to murder the dead man’s wife and son and to massacre his followers remorselessly throughout northern Italy. Whether Theodoric governed Italy as an independent king or as an official of the Roman emperor at Constantinople has been much debated. Who was the first barbarian king of Rome? Odoacer…
Which companies are working on brain computer interface?
Which companies are working on brain computer interface? 7 leading Brain-Computer Interface Companies and their current and prospective products Neuralink. ( Neurable. ( Emotiv. ( Kernel. ( MELTIN MMI. ( BitBrain. ( What are the different types of BCI devices? BCI can use any type of brain imaging. These include fMRI, PET, and NIRS, which…
What is the key signature if the song?
What is the key signature if the song? A key signature is a visual symbol, printed on a musical staff, that indicates what key a section of music is written in. Key signatures are represented by using accidentals—better known as sharps and flats. The number of sharps or flats indicated in the key signature will…
What is Iatrogenic pneumothorax?
What is Iatrogenic pneumothorax? Iatrogenic pneumothorax is a patient safety indicator (PSI) condition. It is a traumatic pneumothorax secondary to an invasive procedure or surgery. The most common cause is the placement of a subclavian central venous line (CVL). What is the management of pneumothorax? Treatment options may include observation, needle aspiration, chest tube insertion,…
Is 45000 NEET rank good?
Is 45000 NEET rank good? NTA released the NEET 2021 results on November 1. As many as three candidates have scored a perfect 720 and have secured AIR 1….NEET Marks vs Ranks. Marks Scored (Out of 720) Expected All India Rank 401-410 99,000-1,20,000 381-400 1,20,000-1,30,000 361-380 1,30,000-1,45,000 How many government seats are there for general…