How can I legally watch BBC iPlayer abroad? The Beeb says the correct way to watch iPlayer content abroad is to “download a programme on BBC iPlayer when you’re in the UK, you can watch it anywhere in the world.” How do I get BBC iPlayer app outside UK? Here is how to watch BBC…
Category: Blog
What is the maximum amount of data a CPU can process at once?
What is the maximum amount of data a CPU can process at once? The maximum value that a CPU can handle is unlimited for most CPUs, but the max value that can be handled at any one instant is limited (usually) by the width of the ALU, or Arithmetic Logical Unit. What are the components…
How do I change my address with Bank of America EDD card?
How do I change my address with Bank of America EDD card? Log in into your account with EDD , go to your profile and change your address from there and save. EDD will catch up with the changes. Another way is to call the number on the back of your Bank of America EDD…
What happens if I eat curd with sugar everyday?
What happens if I eat curd with sugar everyday? According To Ayurveda expert Dr. Dhanvantri Tyagi, “Curd and Sugar combination fundamentally is sweet combination that helps supply of glucose to the brain which can help raise your energy levels. In the peak hours of mugging up and stress, it is natural for students to neglect…
Is it possible for a human to have 4 arms?
Is it possible for a human to have 4 arms? Tiny Lakshmi Tatma was born two years ago with four arms and four legs. It took more than 30 surgeons 27 hours to not only remove two of Lakshmi’s arms and two of her legs but also to rebuild much of her body and save…
How does the Amway business work?
How does the Amway business work? How does Amway work? Amway Independent Business Owners use and sell high-quality nutrition, beauty and home products to consumers. The more product sales they generate, the more income they can earn. Many also choose to build businesses by sharing the Amway opportunity with others and teaching them how to…
Should you do a full transmission flush?
Should you do a full transmission flush? Where a transmission fluid change will only replace some of the existing fluid for new, clean fluid, a transmission fluid flush completely removes all old fluid and replaces it with new. Mechanics recommend a complete flush approximately every 60,000 miles. This price includes labor costs and the cost…
Which is better user installer and system installer?
Which is better user installer and system installer? User installer installs in your User folder and does not need Administrator privileges. System installer installs for all users on the system and needs Administrator privileges. Does Visual Studio install for all users? Is there a way to install it one time and it is installed for…
Is giving interest money to charity haram?
Is giving interest money to charity haram? Islam forbids interest (Riba), both receiving and paying it. Since it is not permissible to utilise interest for one’s own benefit one should give it to charity. Although there is no religious reward for doing so it at least disposes of the haram funds in a shariah-compliant way….
What does a ceruloplasmin blood test check for?
What does a ceruloplasmin blood test check for? This test is used to measure how much of a copper-containing protein is in your blood. This test is used to diagnose problems related to copper, such as Wilson disease. Wilson disease is a rare inherited disease. It causes too much copper in your blood. What does…