What happens if ASO titre is positive? Positive ASO test confirms past infection; thus it’s useful to support the diagnosis of the poststreptococcal illness when it’s suspected, like poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus (PANDAS), and rheumatic fever. What is the principle of ASO test? PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST ASO test method…
Category: Blog
Why do you have to wait 3 months before giving blood?
Why do you have to wait 3 months before giving blood? The minimum interval between 2 donations is 12 weeks (3 months). This interval allows our body Val allows our body to restore it iron stock. Platelet (aphaeresis) donors may donate more frequently than – as often as once every two weeks and up to…
What companies still use AS400?
What companies still use AS400? AS/400 is popular in high-tech industries, such as manufacturing, computer software, and information technology. However, there are major companies that use AS/400 across all industries and around the world, from American pharmacy and health care giant, CVS Health, to Indian retail chain, Vishal Mega Mart. How many companies still use…
What is the normal range for TSH and T4?
What is the normal range for TSH and T4? TSH normal values are 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L. Pregnancy, a history of thyroid cancer, history of pituitary gland disease, and older age are some situations when TSH is optimally maintained in different range as guided by an endocrinologist. FT4 normal values are 0.7 to 1.9ng/dL. What…
What is the major APO proteins found in HDL?
What is the major APO proteins found in HDL? apo A-I The major apolipoproteins of HDL are apo A-I and apo A-II, the alpha lipoproteins. An elevated concentration of apo A-I and apo A-II, known as hyperalphalipoproteinemia (HALP), is associated with a lower risk of CHD. What type of protein is HDL? High-density lipoprotein (HDL)…
Why US universities are waiving GRE for fall 2021?
Why US universities are waiving GRE for fall 2021? Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many American universities have waived the GRE requirement for the Fall 2021 admission cycle only. What does it mean if the GRE is waived? In very simple terms, aspirants without a GRE score can only apply to universities that have waived…
Is AP Biology the hardest AP test?
Is AP Biology the hardest AP test? United States History, Biology, English Literature, Calculus BC, Physics C, and Chemistry are often named as the hardest AP classes and tests. These classes have large curriculums, tough tests, and conceptually difficult material. Is the AP bio test easy? AP Biology is one of the more difficult APs…
Does AutoCAD 2020 require graphics card?
Does AutoCAD 2020 require graphics card? The basic memory needed is 8 GB, while 16 GB is recommended. The basic processor needed is (2.5-2.9) GHz, while (3+) GHz processor is recommended. The basic display card needed is 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s Bandwidth and the Direct X11 compliant. Does AutoCAD 2021 require graphics card?…
What is important for campus placement?
What is important for campus placement? To crack down the campus placement, a student has to have specific skill sets. They include advantageous soft skills like the right attitude, confidence, humble behavior, truthfulness, honesty, and integrity, etc. But these do not form the only means for the hiring executives to recruit a student. How do…
Should I be nervous for my first BJJ class?
Should I be nervous for my first BJJ class? It’s normal to feel a bit anxious about your first day at the BJJ gym, but there’s nothing to be worried about. Everyone deals with the initials jitters when doing something new, but once you’re at the gym, you will quickly realize that you have nothing…