Can you switch jobs on Tier 2 General visa? Yes, you can change jobs if you are on a Tier 2 visa. However, the Tier 2 visa has been replaced by the Skilled Worker visa. In order to obtain a Skilled Worker you will need to obtain a job offer from a government-licensed employer. The…
Category: Blog
Should childrens books have an apostrophe?
Should childrens books have an apostrophe? They include men, women and children. For these, the rule is to add an apostrophe then an S: men’s, women’s, children’s. But the plural of “kid” does end in S: kids. Which is correct children’s books or childrens books? It is “the children’s books.” Why? Because “children” is plural…
What caused the Bosnian crisis?
What caused the Bosnian crisis? Bosnian crisis of 1908, state of severe international tension caused by the annexation by Austria-Hungary of the Balkan provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. What were they fighting for in the Bosnian war? Bosnia’s Serbs, led by a man named Radovan Karadzic and backed by Milosevic, resisted and threatened bloodshed when…
Can soft drinks cause brain damage?
Can soft drinks cause brain damage? Some of the mechanisms by which soft drinks can exert adverse effects include an increase in glutathione-6-dehydrogenase level, increased levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate and dopamine alteration in brain waves on electroencephalography (EEG) eventually leading to stroke and dementia. Does Mountain Dew give you memory loss? Scientists discovered…
How can I get inspired without copying?
How can I get inspired without copying? There are a few important parts to this: Diversify your sources of inspiration. Don’t look at only one example of a style you like. Immerse yourself in inspiration and sleep on it. Take in the stimuli, and then shut it off. Create from memory, not from reference. Is…
Is skipping safe for uterus?
Is skipping safe for uterus? Jump rope can cause the uterus to fall out And running can cause your eyes to fall out. Sounds ridiculous, right? Fortunately, the body doesn’t quite work this way. And jump rope definitely doesn’t cause uterine prolapse. Is there any side effects of skipping? Skipping rope can worsen the existing…
What happens to a stock when a lot of people buy it?
What happens to a stock when a lot of people buy it? The stock market works on the economic concepts of supply and demand. If there is more demand, buyers will bid more than the current price and, as a result, the price of the stock will rise. If there is more supply, sellers are…
Is Welsh a Celtic language?
Is Welsh a Celtic language? Cornish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Manx and Welsh belong to the Celtic branch of Indo-European. Celtic, in turn, divides into two distinct subgroups: P-Celtic (or Brythonic) and Q-Celtic (or Goidelic). Cornish and Welsh are P-Celtic languages, whilst Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Manx are Q-Celtic languages. What language family is Welsh part…
Is Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning banned?
Is Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning banned? When it was released, it instilled fear into the hearts of all Duelists who fought against it, and its extreme power earned it a spot on the Forbidden List. When was Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning banned? Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the…
Do all the Gallaghers have the same parents?
Do all the Gallaghers have the same parents? The main members of the family are the children of Monica and Frank Gallagher, both lazy and neglectful parents. During their marriage they had daughters Fiona, Debbie and Stella along with sons Lip, Carl, Liam and Ian who it was later revealed was the son of Monica…