What low bpm is dangerous? The hearts of adults at rest usually beat between 60 and 100 times a minute. If you have bradycardia, your heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute. Bradycardia can be a serious problem if the heart rate is very slow and the heart can’t pump enough oxygen-rich blood to…
Category: Blog
What is ATL and BTL advertising?
What is ATL and BTL advertising? “ATL” stands for “Above The Line”, meaning that the advertising is going to be deployed around a wider target audience, e.g. television (TVC), radio, or billboards. “BTL”, or “Below The Line”, suggests that the advertising is going to target a specific group of potential consumers. What is ATL marketing…
What is difference between IPO and BPO?
What is difference between IPO and BPO? IPO(initial public offering)is a company’s first sale of the stock to the public. BPO (business process outsourcing )is to hiring a vendor to take responsibility for a business process. What is difference between BPO and KPO? BPO and KPO are two types of outsourcing that companies often employ,…
Why are cucumbers preferred over Selenium?
Why are cucumbers preferred over Selenium? Selenium is an automation tool for web apps, while Cucumber is an automation tool for behavior-driven development. Selenium executes UI tests while Cucumber does acceptance testing. Selenium script creation is complex while Cucumber is more simple. Why do we use BDD in Cucumber? Get started with Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)…
Are long-term investments more risky?
Are long-term investments more risky? Because long-term investments, like stocks, are often considered less safe than other assets, they provide a higher potential rate of return over time, allowing you a better chance of maintaining your purchasing power. Why are shares a good long-term investment? Strong performance One of the main benefits of long-term investing…
What fuel has the most energy per gallon?
What fuel has the most energy per gallon? The highest energy density fuel is hydrogen, which is also the simplest chemical component in existence. Gasoline, which is derived from refining crude oil, contains much more energy than coal (twice the lower grade bituminous) or wood (three times). Which fuel has more energy content gasoline or…
Is a ham radio a shortwave radio?
Is a ham radio a shortwave radio? Shortwave or HF is a broad term that describes any radio use roughly in the 1mhz-30mhz range, and includes shortwave listening, CB, and Ham Radio. Shortwave listening includes listening to anything in this range, including broadcast shortwave. What are shortwave radios good for? Shortwave radio is used for…
Does Facebook use MQTT?
Does Facebook use MQTT? Facebook uses MQTT for Messenger Chats. Each “Chat” has a generated Topic, and all members in the Chat subscribe and Publish to that generated Topic. The MQTT Messenger Broker infrastructure is made up of “many” different Brokers, and a “Topic Director” steers the Chat MQTT packets to the Broker handling that…
What are some ways to reward yourself in life?
What are some ways to reward yourself in life? 32 IDEAS FOR WAYS TO REWARD YOURSELF. Enjoy a magazine and a coffee in peace and quiet for half an hour. Relax with a lazy lie in. Run a hot bath with a good book and a relaxing bath foam / candle. Take a break. A…
What does the slang word bippy mean?
What does the slang word bippy mean? Definition of bippy US slang. —used euphemistically for an unspecified part of the body; generally understood as equivalent to butt or ass Waiting for spring in Seattle is like waiting for the hot water to start in the shower: You know it’s gonna get here, but you could…