When should you place your last bid on eBay? If your Internet connection is slower than most, and you want to do some sniping, make your final bid 2 minutes before the auction ends — and adjust the amount of the bid as high as you feel comfortable with so you can beat out the…
Category: FAQ
Is HbA1c 5.5 normal?
Is HbA1c 5.5 normal? For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c level is between 4\% and 5.6\%. Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7\% and 6.4\% mean you have prediabetes and a higher chance of getting diabetes. Levels of 6.5\% or higher mean you have diabetes. Is 5.5 considered diabetic? According to the…
What does Bai mean?
What does Bai mean? BAI means “Bye.” What does Bai mean Indian? Bai or baisaheb is a suffix added to the name of female members of the Hindu dynasties. e.g. Shantabai It is also used as an honorific for the elder sister amongst the Marathi-speaking people. This type of suffix is also used in several…
Do chickens eat animal byproducts?
Do chickens eat animal byproducts? USDA organic standards, A Greener World’s Animal Welfare Approved Standards, the Global Animal Partnership and many others insist on an all-vegetarian diet. They all recognize that chickens, especially free-range, will eat things like bugs – that’s only natural. But they do not allow the use of animal by-products. Are free…
What is the package of mechanical engineering?
What is the package of mechanical engineering? Mechanical Engineer – Average Salary The average salary for a Mechanical Engineer is ₹3,87,000 per year (₹32,250 per month), which is ₹500 (-0.1\%) lower than the national average salary in India. A Mechanical Engineer can expect an average starting salary of ₹1,72,500. The highest salaries can exceed ₹10,00,000….
How do you address a Chinese parent in law?
How do you address a Chinese parent in law? After accepting the 改口费 (gǎi kǒu fèi), the new couple will call each other’s parents father and mother. When in private, couples may call their in-laws 爸爸 (bàba) “dad” and 妈妈 (māma) “mom.” Actually the newly married woman should call her father-in-law 公公 (gōnggong) and her…
Is there a natural way to fight leukemia?
Is there a natural way to fight leukemia? Nutritional supplements and vitamins For example, vitamin C may help people with leukemia. One 2017 study in mice found that blood cells absorb large amounts of vitamin C. Another 2017 rodent study suggests that injecting very high doses of vitamin C can kill leukemia cells. Can you…
What are the most commonly used type of fire alarms?
What are the most commonly used type of fire alarms? The two most commonly recognized smoke detection technologies are ionization smoke detection and photoelectric smoke detection. Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires. For each type of smoke alarm, the advantage it provides may be critical to life safety in some fire…
Why are African wild dogs so good at hunting?
Why are African wild dogs so good at hunting? Wild dogs do not have big powerful jaws like cats so they cannot bring down large animals alone. Hunting in a pack requires cooperation among pack members, and this increases the success rate in capturing prey and enables wild dogs to bring down animals five times…
Why Is Germany better than Austria?
Why Is Germany better than Austria? Both countries have a high standard of living. However, Austria has less poverty, social tensions, or refugees than Germany and is way more relaxed. Moreover, Vienna had been awarded as the city with the highest quality of life eighth time in a row. German cities are on the list…