Is Google Trends public data? Google pays for the storage of these datasets and provides public access to the data, e.g., via the bigquery-public-data project. The Trends data allows users to measure interest in a particular topic or search term across Google Search, from around the United States, down to the city-level. Can I scrape…
Category: FAQ
Can I use my Jio SIM in Thailand?
Can I use my Jio SIM in Thailand? Jio offers you 5 IR pack options as per your usage need: IR 1101 Pack – Applicable in 111 countries. IR 1201 Pack – Applicable in 170 countries….Unlimited Packs without WiFi Calling. Country Applicable Partner Name Handset Display Sri Lanka Mobitel Mobitel LK Thailand True Move TH…
Why is two towers the best LOTR movie?
Why is two towers the best LOTR movie? It’s the final act of a true leader. He’s now not advising King Theoden, he’s leading King Theoden. Aragorn’s journey in The Two Towers makes him the rightful heir we see in the all-action final instalment of the trilogy. And that’s why it’s the best movie in…
Does supply and demand affect option prices?
Does supply and demand affect option prices? Demand certainly does affect the price of an option but not necessarily in the same way it influences a stock’s price. Unlike the underlying stock, which has a fixed number of shares or supply, there is no limit to the number of options contracts that can be made…
Will U.S. Virgin Islands became a state?
Will U.S. Virgin Islands became a state? As statehood candidates, their admission to the Union requires congressional approval. American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands are also U.S. territories and could potentially become U.S. states….Other territories. Location Indian Territory Voting system Plurality Results Does the U.S. still control the…
What is meaning of Nani Bai Ko mayro?
What is meaning of Nani Bai Ko mayro? Originally Answered: What is ‘Nani bai ko Mayro’? This is abook about “krishana bhakt”(a devotee) named Narsinh mehata. He had donated his all property and chants Loard Krishna’s name. He had only one daughter named “Nanibai”which married at other city. Who wrote Nani Bai Ko mayro? Unsourced…
Can you get volume from pressure?
Can you get volume from pressure? The volume of a given amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure when temperature is held constant (Boyle’s law). Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules (Avogadro’s law). What is the formula for pressure volume…
What does it mean to normalize abuse?
What does it mean to normalize abuse? Normalizing – Normalizing is a tactic used to desensitize an individual to abusive, coercive or inappropriate behaviors. In essence, normalizing is the manipulation of another human being to get them to agree to, or accept something that is in conflict with the law, social norms or their own…
Which application can use both TCP and UDP?
Which application can use both TCP and UDP? DNS use both TCP & UDP, for valid reasons. that UDP messages are not larger than 512 Bytes and are truncated when greater than this size. DNS uses TCP for Zone transfer and UDP for name queries either primary or reverse. What services use TCP and UDP?…
How do I rename an audio file on WhatsApp?
How do I rename an audio file on WhatsApp? Rename a file On your Android device, open Files by Google . On the bottom, tap Browse . Tap a category or a storage device. You’ll see files from that category in a list. Next to a file you want to rename, tap the Down arrow…