Why BJT is voltage controlled device? Question: Why BJT is known as current controlled device and FET is known as voltage controlled device? Answer: In BJT, output current depends on input current , so current controlled device. In FET, output current depends on input voltage, so voltage controlled device. Why BJT is called controllable switch?…
Category: FAQ
What is the formula of log X by Y?
What is the formula of log X by Y? Basic rules for logarithms Rule or special case Formula Product ln(xy)=ln(x)+ln(y) Quotient ln(x/y)=ln(x)−ln(y) Log of power ln(xy)=yln(x) Log of e ln(e)=1 How do you calculate log X? The relationship between ln x and log x is: ln x = 2.303 log x Why 2.303?…CALCULATIONS INVOLVING LOGARITHMS….
Is it safe to download KineMaster APK?
Is it safe to download KineMaster APK? if you are downloading the untrusted site then this is not a safe app. You can download a free version app of kinemaster diamond and remove the watermark from another app. You can search any app for removing kinemaster diamond watermark on gbapps. Which APK MOD sites are…
Why is eternal life important?
Why is eternal life important? Eternal Life. God’s presence in our lives produces peace, purpose and power. Peace shows itself by the ability to properly relate to God, other persons, ourselves and our world. Purpose provides understanding of God’s desires for our lives. What does God say about eternal life? “Truly, truly, I say to…
Is MIM free in Germany?
Is MIM free in Germany? Cologne, Germany The University of Cologne’s WiSo-Faculty offers an MSc in Business Administration that is classified as a MiM program. As Cologne is state-funded, there are no tuition fees at all, merely a small “semester contribution” that covers public transport. Can I get job after MIM in Germany? MIM in…
Is Indian master degree valid in Germany?
Is Indian master degree valid in Germany? When you have a look around, you’ll find most high-level Indian degrees recognized in Germany, for example. However, there may be some variations. For instance, sometimes universities are listed as legitimate, but specific courses at those universities are not covered. When that happens, don’t panic. Is economics in…
Do street names mean anything?
Do street names mean anything? Some streets are named after the areas that the street connects. Some roads are named after their general direction, such as “Great North Road”. Bypasses are often named after the town they route traffic around, for example the Newbury bypass. What does your street name mean? street namenoun. A person’s…
What is the true ending of the Witcher 3?
What is the true ending of the Witcher 3? This ending sees you telling the Emhyr Var Emreis that Ciri sacrificed herself during the last battle to save the world. Geralt then journeys to White Orchard where he receives a very special silver sword, meets up with a disguised Ciri, and they live happily ever…
What region includes Israel Syria and Lebanon?
What region includes Israel Syria and Lebanon? Levant Countries and regions Narrow definition: Akrotiri and Dhekelia Cyprus Israel Jordan Lebanon Palestine Syria Turkey (Hatay Province) Broad definition may also include: Egypt Greece Iraq Libya (Cyrenaica) Turkey (whole country) Population Narrow definition: 44,550,926 Demonym Levantine What region contains parts of the countries of Israel and Lebanon?…
How do you get rid of shaky anxiety?
How do you get rid of shaky anxiety? Jogging or running Using your muscles by jogging or running may help releive some of your stress and pent-up energy. Deep Breaths Breathing slow can be helpful for shaking as well. Deep, full, slow breaths can be calming to anxiety and may reduce hyperventilation. How do I…