How thick is a 3 sided coin? The thickness of these coins are kept the same at 0.85r. How thick should a coin be to have a 1/3 chance of landing on edge? To get our 1/3 probability, we want that zone to have 1/3 the surface area of the sphere. So the coin’s thickness…
Category: FAQ
What is the purpose of thoroughbred horses?
What is the purpose of thoroughbred horses? Thoroughbreds are used mainly for racing, but are also bred for other riding disciplines such as show jumping, combined training, dressage, polo, and fox hunting. How many horses does the average person have? Owners, service providers, employees, and volunteers are all counted in that number. The average US…
Where can I learn about APIs?
Where can I learn about APIs? We’ve just published a full beginner’s course about Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) on the YouTube channel. This course was created by Craig Dennis, developer educator at Twilio. He teaches what APIs do, why they exist, and what their benefits are. What is the best API to learn? For…
What kills leprosy?
What kills leprosy? Leprosy is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can kill all the M. leprae bacteria in your body, but they can’t reverse nerve damage or deformities caused by leprosy. This is why early treatment is important. Can penicillin cure leprosy? Doctors recommend long-term treatment, usually for 6 months to a year. If you have…
Is mean reversion statistical arbitrage?
Is mean reversion statistical arbitrage? Statistical arbitrage is a class of mean-reversion trading strategies that use statistical and econometric techniques to exploit relative mispricings of historically related financial instruments. How does pair trading work? In a nutshell, pairs trading works by betting that 2 or more securities will diverge or converge in price. The trader…
What should I message an unknown girl on Facebook?
What should I message an unknown girl on Facebook? Just say hi, tell her what your name is, and ask her how she’s doing. Make sure you find her at a good time, when she doesn’t seem busy or worried over anything, and that you act casual about it. Just say something like, “Hi, I’m…
Why was CAA and NRC opposed?
Why was CAA and NRC opposed? Protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act had an early start in Northeast India (especially in Assam). A further impetus for protests is the expectation that with Muslims left out of the CAA, the all India National Register of Citizens (NRC) will find no place for Muslims but deem them…
What companies use quant?
What companies use quant? Top Quantitative Hedge Funds D. E. Shaw. Quantitative Management Associates. Two Sigma. Renaissance Technologies. AlphaSimplex Group. Capula. AQR Capital. PanAgora. What is a quantitative trading firm? Quantitative trading (also called quant trading) involves the use of computer algorithms and programs—based on simple or complex mathematical models—to identify and capitalize on available…
Is Bosnia and Herzegovina a rich country?
Is Bosnia and Herzegovina a rich country? Bosnia and Herzegovina is an upper middle-income country which has accomplished a great deal since the mid-1990s. What country did the Bosnians want to be part of? Inspired by Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic as he turned from Communism to nationalism, Bosnia’s Serbs set about trying to unite Bosnia with…
Do you believe that laughter is the best medicine Why or why not?
Do you believe that laughter is the best medicine Why or why not? It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good…