What is the difference between 8085 microprocessor and a 8086 microprocessor? 8086 is 16 bit microprocessor whereas 8085 is 8 bit microprocessor. 8086 has 20 bit address bus while 8085 has 16 bit address buss. 8086 supports multiplication and division, whereas 8085 doesn’t support this job. 8086 operates in two modes, whereas 8085 operates in…
Category: FAQ
Can I learn BIM?
Can I learn BIM? The BIMLabs training centre in Kerala offers multiple offline courses in BIM, ranging from construction management to architectural design. The duration ranges from 240 hours to 850 hours per course, and BIMLabs also offers placement opportunities after the completion of the course. Is BIM a technology? The American Institute of Architects…
Did not thought or did not think?
Did not thought or did not think? Didn’t think would be the correct usage here. Perhaps this is helpful: -Use “didn’t think” to describe specific actions or events you didn’t think would happen. For example, I didn’t think I would make it. Or, I didn’t think you would call. Did think or did thought? DID…
What type of breath is used in yoga?
What type of breath is used in yoga? What is Ujjayi Breath. The full name is Ujjayi Pranayama, and it’s the basic breathing technique we use in yoga practice. How many types of yoga breathing are there? Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he…
How will learning about verbals help you in your writing?
How will learning about verbals help you in your writing? Verbs are more than just action words, though. They are such versatile words that they can function as many different parts of speech. This quick guide to verbals and verbal phrases will help you learn more about everything that verbs can do. Why are nouns…
Can you use the same figure in two papers?
Can you use the same figure in two papers? There are two concerns you must address if you want to reuse a figure: “self-plagiarism” and copyright. To avoid self-plagiarism, one simply needs to cite their previous work in which the figure was published (because some fields treat conference proceedings as publications, I’m assuming your field…
What is the lowest ACT score to get into Harvard?
What is the lowest ACT score to get into Harvard? The 25th percentile ACT score is 33, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 35. In other words, a 33 places you below average, while a 35 will move you up to above average. There’s no absolute ACT requirement at Harvard, but they really want…
Which department of the federal government is responsible for printing all US paper currency?
Which department of the federal government is responsible for printing all US paper currency? The Federal Reserve Banks distribute new currency for the U.S. Treasury Department, which prints it. What role does the Federal Reserve System play in the distribution of currency? The Federal Reserve distributes new and fit currency into circulation, detects counterfeits, and…
Are Apple AirPods compatible with Samsung devices?
Are Apple AirPods compatible with Samsung devices? Yes and no. Apple’s AirPods – including the regular AirPods and the AirPods Pro – can connect to Samsung smartphones and be used to play audio from the devices. However, the more advanced features of the AirPods, like “Hey Siri” commands, will not be available on the Samsung…
How much money should a company keep in reserve?
How much money should a company keep in reserve? The short answer is that your cash reserve should be sufficient for you to feel comfortable running your business. Some experts recommend having three months of expenses. Others recommend six months. I would suggest speaking to your CPA or financial adviser to determine the right number…