Can a civil judge become a High Court judge? Usually, judges who join the judiciary as a civil judge, junior division retire in the position of a district judge. There is a quota in the High Courts for district court judges for elevation. Thereafter they can also be elevated to the Supreme Court. She became…
Category: FAQ
How does CAA affect Indian Muslims?
How does CAA affect Indian Muslims? The CAA does not affect any Indian citizens, including Muslim citizens. How many Muslims are affected by CAA? “In tandem with a National Register of Citizens (NRC) planned by the federal government, the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) may affect the status of India’s large Muslim minority of roughly 200…
What is one benefit of using CNC machines to make components?
What is one benefit of using CNC machines to make components? The accuracy of the CNC machine ensures consistent product quality. The process is more precise than manual machining and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again. Increased production speed and increased efficiency. What is CNC turning used for? Computer…
Can Rheumatoid Arthritis be completely cured?
Can Rheumatoid Arthritis be completely cured? There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis. But clinical studies indicate that remission of symptoms is more likely when treatment begins early with medications known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Can Rheumatoid arthritis go into permanent remission? Rheumatoid arthritis is generally considered a chronic, lifelong condition. However, new treatments…
Can you break your fast if you feel dizzy?
Can you break your fast if you feel dizzy? Dietary advice should be given including consuming adequate quantities of fluid. If patients suffer with severe migraines these should be controlled before they start fasting, and if any point during a fast a patient feels unwell/dizzy/disorientated etc. they should break their fast. Can I break my…
Do you get a certificate when you buy gold?
Do you get a certificate when you buy gold? Gold certificates are very much like the world’s first-ever paper bank notes. These certificates represent ownership of a certain quantity of gold bullion or coins. The owner of the gold certificate gets to save money on gold trading, delivery, storage and insurance costs. How do I…
What is ACM professional?
What is ACM professional? ACM is the world’s largest computing society, offering benefits that can advance your career and enrich your knowledge with life-long learning resources. Students and Professionals: join ACM India via these links. What is ACM reference style? ACM = Association of Computing Machinery – Author/Date Style Sample citation [Phillips 2001] — List…
Why the sky is blue at night?
Why the sky is blue at night? The Short Answer: Gases and particles in Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. Blue light is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. Why does the sky look blue short…
Do scratches affect DVDs?
Do scratches affect DVDs? Whether or not a scratched CD or DVD works depends upon the severity of the scratch. Because standard CDs and DVDs have a protective layer, these discs can usually withstand several scratches with no issues. However, a deep scratch or a lot of scratches can cause the disc to not work…
What Hogwarts house would Dudley be in?
What Hogwarts house would Dudley be in? 8 Dudley Dursley – Hufflepuff. What did Harry do to Marge? Harry lost his temper and unknowingly used an Inflating Charm on her. Aunt Marge then blew up like a balloon, floated to the ceiling, then outside to the open sky. The Ministry of Magic eventually sent the…