Is self studying a language an extracurricular? Extracurricular activities don’t have to be hobbies, school clubs, or sports. If you’re interested in self-studying a language in high school, this pursuit could become a valuable and serious extracurricular activity, and there are many avenues for pursuing it. Does learning a new language count as extracurricular activity?…
Category: FAQ
Could a machine gun reduce casualties in combat?
Could a machine gun reduce casualties in combat? Undoubtedly machine-guns could save lives among men to whom they were able to give such effective support. But overall this killing machine only increased the heavy battlefield casualties which characterised the First World War. Which weapon inflicted the greatest damage? Machine guns inflicted appalling casualties on both…
How do you calculate automorphism in a group?
How do you calculate automorphism in a group? An isomorphism of a group G to itself is called an automorphism of G. EXAMPLES : Any group G has at least one automorphism namely i G. the map f: R* -> R* defined by f(a)=a^-1. How many automorphism are there? This is also evident from Lagrange’s…
How many hours can you focus in a day?
How many hours can you focus in a day? Any work that produces a lot of output and requires a lot of focus and/or creativity (think writing, programming etc.) are high mental energy tasks. For those types of tasks, a good upper limit seems to be 3-4 hours a day. And working 2-3 hours on…
How many Anzsco skill level classifications are there?
How many Anzsco skill level classifications are there? The five skill levels in ANZSCO are defined in terms of formal education and training, previous experience and on-the-job training. What is skill level classification? Skill level classification This is a points-based visa that considers factors such as age, work experience, your qualifications and an offer of…
Does the military have rules against social media?
Does the military have rules against social media? Soldiers using social media must abide by the UCMJ at all times, even when off duty. Commenting, posting and linking to material that violates the UCMJ or basic rules of Soldier’s conduct are prohibited, along with talking negatively about supervisors or releasing sensitive information. Can you post…
Is Accenture better than TCS for freshers?
Is Accenture better than TCS for freshers? Compare company reviews, salaries and ratings to find out if Accenture or Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is right for you. Accenture is most highly rated for Culture and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is most highly rated for Job security and advancement…. Overall Rating 3.6 3.5 Culture 3.9 3.7…
Was Ron Woodroof a bull rider?
Was Ron Woodroof a bull rider? But though the film begins and ends with him in a rodeo setting, Woodroof was only a rodeo enthusiast, not a rider; these details, as Borten explained to me, were used as a metaphor for his character’s struggle and ability to survive far longer than his doctors said he…
Does playing bridge make you smarter?
Does playing bridge make you smarter? A recent major study has revealed that playing bridge keeps people smarter, happier and more social into old age. A recent major study by the University of Stirling, Scotland, has revealed that playing bridge keeps people smarter, happier and more social into old age. What are the benefits of…
Which of the following processes is the major difference between the air standard Otto cycle and the air standard Diesel cycle?
Which of the following processes is the major difference between the air standard Otto cycle and the air standard Diesel cycle? ?&lr=lang_en&hl=en≷=US&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=xp74F7uUL4irlM\%2CTQqiXQ2ZZ6CEbM\%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTY9UkRFi5QuTkjxpKAvoRhfJp6VQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8zJDb_-r0AhVIMewKHZBxCqkQ9QF6BAgaEAE#imgrc=xp74F7uUL4irlM” data-ved=”2ahUKEwi8zJDb_-r0AhVIMewKHZBxCqkQ9QF6BAgaEAE”> All processes are ideal, combustion is replaced by heat addition to the air, and exhaust is replaced by a heat rejection process which restores the air to the initial state. The most…