Did the Byzantines convert to Islam? 920 to 976, the Byzantines finally broke through the Muslim defences and restored their control over northern Syria and Greater Armenia….Arab–Byzantine wars. Date 629–1050s Location Levant (Syria), Egypt, North Africa, Anatolia, Crete, Sicily, Southern Italy Did the Byzantines make Christianity illegal? Christianity was the official religion in the Roman…
Category: FAQ
What is a good starting salary in Germany?
What is a good starting salary in Germany? The minimum wage in Germany is currently just under 1,500 euros a month which is 18,000 euros a year. Major differences in income levels still exist between the East and the West. The average salary in the old federal states is about 25\% (or 800 euros a…
How do you fail a background investigation?
How do you fail a background investigation? There are plenty of reasons a person may not pass a background check, including criminal history, education discrepancies, poor credit history, damaged driving record, false employment history, and a failed drug test. What do they look for in a background investigation? A background check will investigate a candidate’s…
How long does it take to get sent to basic training after enlisting navy?
How long does it take to get sent to basic training after enlisting navy? Terms of Enlistment You report for 10 week basic training, either directly or within a year. If you report to basic training under direct ship, that means you may head out within days. When exactly you head out depends on your…
Should I watch the old Battlestar Galactica?
Should I watch the old Battlestar Galactica? It’s not necessary to watch the original before the reboot, and to be honest I’d suggest it’s a negative. While the two series shares names and some plot arcs, the reboot is a lot more plot intensive and some amazing TV. The original benefits from the rose-tinted glasses…
What are the 3 major changes in human evolution?
What are the 3 major changes in human evolution? The development of opposable thumbs, the enlargement of the brain and the loss of hair have been major changes in human evolution. Who is the first human on earth? The First Humans One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, or “handy man,” who lived…
Is The Winged Dragon of Ra the strongest God card?
Is The Winged Dragon of Ra the strongest God card? The Winged Dragon Of Ra Considered to be the most powerful of all of the Egyptian God cards, The Winged Dragon Of Ra being summoned makes for some epic moments in the anime. The attack and defense points for it are made up of the…
How does a person get muscular dystrophy?
How does a person get muscular dystrophy? In most cases, muscular dystrophy (MD) runs in families. It usually develops after inheriting a faulty gene from one or both parents. MD is caused by mutations (alterations) in the genes responsible for healthy muscle structure and function. What is the life expectancy of a person with muscular…
What scales can you play over C Major?
What scales can you play over C Major? For example, use the C Major scale for the key of C. You can substitute the major pentatonic scale for the major scale because all its notes are part of the major scale. If you have a minor key, you can use the minor scale or the…
What is the biggest number 8 bits can represent?
What is the biggest number 8 bits can represent? 255 8 bits at minimum. The largest number that can be represented with 7 bits is 127 (27 – 1), and the largest number that can be represented with 8 bits is 255 (28 – 1). HOW MUCH CAN 8 bits hold? 2 Answers. The max…