What is happening with Eukanuba dog food? A: Eukanuba™ will gradually transition the manufacture of its dry diets to the factory in Bathurst, Australia. The only remaining dry diet is Puppy Small Breed, which will be manufactured from the Bathurst Factory in late 2021. Is Eukanuba owned by Royal Canin? Eukanuba, the other pet food…
Category: FAQ
What is COTS and MOTS?
What is COTS and MOTS? COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS are abbreviations that describe pre-packaged software or (less commonly) hardware purchase alternatives. A MOTS (either modified or modifiable off-the-shelf, or military off-the-shelf, depending on the context) product is typically a COTS product whose source code can be modified. What is commercial and off-the-shelf systems? From…
Which groups of people are more likely to be poor?
Which groups of people are more likely to be poor? THE DYNAMICS OF POVERTY Children, lone parents, disabled people and people in households in which no one works are more likely to experience poverty, to remain in poverty for longer and to experience deeper poverty, than others. Who are the most of the poor? Half…
Is working in BPO stressful?
Is working in BPO stressful? And a Call Center’s job is known to be one of the most demanding and stressful job out there. Call center agents are prone to experience burnout and stress due to the nature of their job and this leads to increase in call center attrition. Is it hard to work…
What happens if I hide something from my timeline?
What happens if I hide something from my timeline? Clicking the “Hide from Timeline” or “Hide from Page” button immediately removes the selected story, photo or update from view. However, using the hide feature doesn’t delete the item completely; the hidden story will still appear in other places on Facebook, including news feeds and in…
Is there any news or are there any news?
Is there any news or are there any news? Originally Answered: Which one is right “Are there any news” or “Is there any news”? “Is there any news?” Despite the -s at the end, “news” is treated as singular, a mass noun rather than a count noun. That is, not “one new” or “two news,”…
What is the origin of the phrase out of pocket?
What is the origin of the phrase out of pocket? To be “out of pocket,” or short of money, usually because of some transaction, first appeared in 1679, according to the OED: “He was Seven hundred pounds out of pocket.” A corollary phrase, “in pocket,” having enough money, showed up about 70 years later, the…
Can a AMD motherboard run a Nvidia GPU?
Can a AMD motherboard run a Nvidia GPU? Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) does not actually produce motherboards. These “AMD-based” boards can run Nvidia graphics cards provided the card in question meets the compatibility specifications of the particular board/chipset combination. This includes using the correct slot type and software drivers. Can I replace my AMD GPU…
Which glue is made from horses?
Which glue is made from horses? Some companies, such as those in Canada, still produce animal, hide and hoof glues from horses. Recently, animal glue has been replaced by other adhesives and plastics, but remains popular for restoration. Is glue still made from horse hooves? Glue, historically, is indeed made from collagen taken from animal…
Why are short barrel shotguns illegal?
Why are short barrel shotguns illegal? Short barreled shotguns without shoulder stocks and less than 26 inches in length are regulated under the NFA because they are easily concealed, and were favored by criminals at the time of the law’s passage. Are short barrel shotguns legal? Under the National Firearms Act (NFA), it is illegal…