Why do people say you lost weight? You can compliment someone’s outfit or hairstyle, for example, but telling someone “You look great, have you lost weight?” ultimately translates to, “You look good because you’re smaller and thinner.” We start to internalize the idea that other people are monitoring our bodies, which perpetuates societal pressure to…
Category: FAQ
Did they use real submarines in Hunt for Red October?
Did they use real submarines in Hunt for Red October? The Hunt for Red October used sets instead of shooting in a submarine. As the Navy hoped “The Hunt for Red October” would serve as a recruitment tool — similar to what “Top Gun” did for the Air Force — they allowed the studio to…
Which is best physiotherapy or pharmacy?
Which is best physiotherapy or pharmacy? In my opinion, definitely BPT is a better course than B. Pharmacy. In the recent times Physiotherapy has been advancing and has received an increased demand in both scope and job prospects. Considering the advancements and scope BPT is to be preferable over B. Is BPT better than B…
Why is a lighter flame blue?
Why is a lighter flame blue? A blue flame indicates that the burner is providing an air-fuel mix with sufficient oxygen for complete combustion right out of the nozzle. The flame burns the fuel completely to carbon dioxide and water. What is the blue part of a flame called? tent The reaction zone at the…
Can people feel prosthetic limbs?
Can people feel prosthetic limbs? Researchers around the world have been developing prosthetics that closely mimic the part of the human body they would replace. This goes beyond the cosmetic and even the functional; these are bionic body parts that can touch and feel, and even learn new things. What are the problems with prosthetic…
How can a student become financially independent?
How can a student become financially independent? 5 Proven ways to Become Financially Independent in college. Try to avoid loans and debts. One of the vital hacks on saving and becoming financially independent is to avoid loans, credits, debts, etc. Start saving immediately and set big financial goals. Track your spending. Use cash frequently. Do…
How do I get the aux in my 2006 Honda Accord?
How do I get the aux in my 2006 Honda Accord? As you may know, all Accords have an AUX button on the stereo. This button can be activated by removing the center console, ash tray, and trim surrounding the shifter and hooking the cord you purchase directly into the back of the radio. Does…
What caused the split between Amazon and FedEx?
What caused the split between Amazon and FedEx? Amazon and FedEx have long relied on each other, but Amazon’s recent investments in its own delivery service has frustrated FedEx and led to the companies’ breakup. After ending its contract on air deliveries in June, FedEx won’t renew its contract for ground deliveries that expires at…
Can the Borg assimilate animals?
Can the Borg assimilate animals? Canonically, no. At no point in the Star Trek TV (prime) series did the Borg show interest in assimilating anything except humanoid species, with the exception of the Kazon, who were deemed unremarkable. What species have the Borg assimilated? By name Name Number assimilated Source Kelis’ species At least one…
Why is a bed frame important?
Why is a bed frame important? The bed frame is the foundation of the mattress, and without a quality frame in which to place your mattress, sleep can be disturbed by squeaking, creaking, sliding, and more. One of a bed frame’s primary purposes is to hold your mattress in place. Is it better to have…