What does annotate mean on US visa? What is the annotation field in US Visa? Annotation field in US visa stamp is for the US Consular officer to put in additional notes related to your visa. Depending on the kind of visa, it could have details like University Name, employer name, work visa petition number,…
Category: FAQ
Is BIM and MEP same?
Is BIM and MEP same? What is BIM for MEP? Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent, 3D model-based process that helps MEP professionals design, detail, document, and fabricate building systems more efficiently. With BIM, project teams improve collaboration, share data, and speed up project delivery from design to construction. Is MEP part of BIM?…
What is the difference between a mutual fund and a collective investment scheme?
What is the difference between a mutual fund and a collective investment scheme? Mutual Funds collects investment from investors and created a fund that is invested in a diversified portfolio. Mutual fund is a regulated market with SEBI and AMFI as a regulatory body. Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) also collects funds from investors with a…
What is the deadliest and most unforgettable accident in aviation history?
What is the deadliest and most unforgettable accident in aviation history? The Tenerife airport disaster was a fatal runway collision between two Boeing 747s on Sunday, March 27, 1977, at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport). The crash killed 583 people, making it the deadliest accident in aviation history. What caused the crash of…
What does the Bible say about who will enter heaven?
What does the Bible say about who will enter heaven? The World English Bible translates the passage as: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will. enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who. does the will of my Father who is in heaven. How many people will make it to heaven? Based…
How do you finish the ACT on time?
How do you finish the ACT on time? 7 ACT Time Management Tips You Should Follow Answer the easiest questions first. Wear a good, old-fashioned watch. Lots of timed practice. Leave yourself 30 seconds to guess on the remaining questions. Focus prep efforts on high-yield items. Know your calculator. Know what to expect. How much…
What are all the different types of monopoly?
What are all the different types of monopoly? 3 Types of Monopoly Natural Monopolies. One type of monopoly is the natural monopoly, which is called ‘natural’ because there is no direct government involvement. State Monopolies. Another type of monopoly is the state monopoly. Un-natural Monopolies. Which Monopoly edition is the best? 14 Best Monopoly Games…
Will a master key open any lock?
Will a master key open any lock? When lock rekeying into a master key system, two keys are created: It cannot be used inside any other locks you have. Master key: The master key can open all locks you have in your residential or commercial property. Is there a key that opens everything? A skeleton…
Is THC oil supposed to be dark?
Is THC oil supposed to be dark? The oil in the cartridge should be as clear and viscous as when you bought it; uniformly light yellow to amber in color and fairly transparent. If the liquid is discolored or has turned brown, the cartridge should be thrown away. Should CBD oil be dark? Full Spectrum…
How does exercising stock options affect AMT?
How does exercising stock options affect AMT? Unused AMT credits In the year that you exercise an Incentive Stock Option, the difference between the market value of the stock on the exercise date and the exercise price counts as income under the AMT rules, which can trigger an AMT liability. However, you will also generally…