Why does the value of dollar keep changing? The demand for the US dollar is high since India is importing more products from the US than exporting. And from the Indian side, more dollars will have to be bought from Foreign Exchange Market to pay for these goods. As such demand for US dollars will…
Category: FAQ
How are IFVs used?
How are IFVs used? An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), also known as a mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV), is a type of armoured fighting vehicle used to carry infantry into battle and provide direct-fire support. IFVs often serve both as the principal weapons system and as the mode of transport for a mechanized infantry unit….
Can I travel with unreserved ticket?
Can I travel with unreserved ticket? Yes, the Railways is now giving passengers a chance to travel without reservation. You can travel on unreserved tickets in general coaches. Is unreserved ticket available now in Chennai? Unreserved tickets can currently be purchased only by those travelling along Chennai Beach – Velachery, Royapuram – Gummidipoondi, Chennai Beach…
What happen if Saturn is in 5th house?
What happen if Saturn is in 5th house? Individuals with Saturn in the fifth house might find it difficult to “play” or do fun things. Saturnine guilt and responsibility might make you search for a “good” reason to have fun. All work and no play might stress you out to the point of neurosis. Is…
What is bec and EAC?
What is bec and EAC? Business E-mail Compromise (BEC) is defined as a sophisticated scam targeting businesses working with foreign suppliers and/or businesses that regularly perform wire transfer payments. The E-mail Account Compromise (EAC) component of BEC targets individuals that perform wire transfer payments. What attack vector is most commonly used in a business e…
How can we increase the efficiency of a drone?
How can we increase the efficiency of a drone? Motor efficiency can be achieved by increasing the motor size, but a drone motor needs to be compact and high powered for mounting on a drone. To increase the output power, the rated torque and rotational speed of the motor need to be increased. Are smaller…
What does it mean that my moon is in Aquarius?
What does it mean that my moon is in Aquarius? Aquarius Moons are deep thinkers. As an Aquarius Moon, you are a deep thinker — so much so, that you tend to get lost in thought. People think of you as a worry wart, spending way too much time overthinking things until they make very…
Is it up the road or down the road?
Is it up the road or down the road? In almost all cases, it’s correct to use “down the street.” However, if the street is on a hill, use “up the street” when talking about something that is further uphill, and “down the street” when it’s further downhill. What does the phrase up the road…
Can anemia be mistaken for hypothyroidism?
Can anemia be mistaken for hypothyroidism? Although numerous factors can cause anemia, it’s well known that hypothyroidism can cause various types of anemia, including microcytic, macrocytic, and normocytic anemia. Often, the first sign of hypothyroidism in many patients is anemia. Is there a link between hypothyroidism and iron deficiency? IDA and iron deficiency are common…
What is the difference between Sunnah and Shia?
What is the difference between Sunnah and Shia? Those who followed the Prophet’s closest companion (Abu Bakr) became known as Sunni (the followers of the Prophet’s example – Sunnah). Those who followed the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law (‘Ali) became known as Shi’a (the followers of the Party of ‘Ali – Shi’atu Ali). What is the…