Is there any scope in journalism in India? Over the years, the scope of journalism has increased as communication channels have broadened the mediums from radio, television sets, and newspapers to social media and online news websites. Presently in India, journalism has become a prestigious career choice for many students. How can I start a…
Category: FAQ
How can run-length encoding be used for image compression?
How can run-length encoding be used for image compression? Run-length encoding (RLE) is a form of lossless data compression in which runs of data (sequences in which the same data value occurs in many consecutive data elements) are stored as a single data value and count, rather than as the original run. This is most…
What is the meaning of Mahatria?
What is the meaning of Mahatria? Mahatria is bringing about a dawn in human consciousness; a way of experiencing a holistically abundant life of health, wealth, love, bliss and spiritual connect. Who is Tt Rangarajan? T.T Rangarajan is an Indian spiritual leader who is mainly known for his organization Infinitheism. He was born and raised…
How does the CPU use the clock signal?
How does the CPU use the clock signal? The clock rate of a CPU is normally determined by the frequency of an oscillator crystal. Typically a crystal oscillator produces a fixed sine wave—the frequency reference signal. The clock distribution network inside the CPU carries that clock signal to all the parts that need it. How…
What skills are needed for cyber security?
What skills are needed for cyber security? The Top Skills Required for Cybersecurity Jobs Problem-Solving Skills. Technical Aptitude. Knowledge of Security Across Various Platforms. Attention to Detail. Communication Skills. Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills. A Desire to Learn. An Understanding of Hacking. What are the 5 C’s of Cyber Security? Change, Compliance, Cost, Continuity, and Coverage;…
Can you have dyscalculia and still be good at math?
Can you have dyscalculia and still be good at math? Yes. There’s examples of people with the condition being excellent at math. The reason this is possible, is that dyscalculia is characterized by having trouble with numbers and calculations. Mathematics is about abstraction, patterns and logic, not about finding the value of expressions like ….
Can I pack cake in my checked luggage?
Can I pack cake in my checked luggage? YES: Cake. Cakes may require additional inspection from TSA agents, but as long as it’s not an ice cream cake or some type of Jell-O mold, you can bring a cake along to your final destination. Can you take a cake through airport security UK? Cakes, sandwiches,…
Do fire doors need to be lockable?
Do fire doors need to be lockable? Never lock a fire door Emergency fire doors must not be locked, or fastened in a way that they cannot easily, and immediately, be opened by any person who may require to use them in an emergency. Why are fire doors locked? A fire door is designed and…
Does Indonesia have free healthcare?
Does Indonesia have free healthcare? Universal health coverage The aim was to grant free services for all hospitalisations in basic (class-3 hospital beds). Under JKN, all Indonesians will receive coverage for a range of treatments via health services from public providers as well as those private organisations that have opted to join the scheme. How…
Is it harder for intelligent women to find a partner?
Is it harder for intelligent women to find a partner? Yale University reports that fewer men are entering higher education, resulting in an “over-supply” of highly educated women who are struggling to find their romantic match. … How can you tell an intelligent woman? Who knows, you might even identify with a few or lots…