What is core to core capacitance? Let us consider the three core belted cable. As there is potential difference exists between core to core of cable and core to sheath of cable, electrostatic field set up between them. The core to core capacitance is delta connected whereas core to sheath capacitance is star connected. ……
Category: FAQ
Can a DNA test prove if a dog is purebred?
Can a DNA test prove if a dog is purebred? AKC DNA testing does not determine the breed of dog or if a dog is purebred. How accurate are dog breed DNA tests? Which dog DNA test is most accurate? Discerning accuracy among DNA tests isn’t cut-and-dried because the companies are only as reliable as…
What did the ALS ice bucket challenge accomplish?
What did the ALS ice bucket challenge accomplish? The so-called Ice Bucket Challenge raised awareness and over $200 million for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease. But did all that money really help the cause? “It put ALS on the map and raised awareness of the disease and attracted more investigators and investment…
What is the problem in Bollywood?
What is the problem in Bollywood? Bollywood’s biggest problem is piracy – where people copy the films and either sell them or show them to other people for free. At the moment not all films made make more money than they cost to make, even though they can be seen by around one billion people….
What does Uber use AI for?
What does Uber use AI for? AI techniques and models enable Uber to relocate the needle around the multiple verticals, from maneuverability and transportation to customer assistance and drive-partner navigation. More research in AI yields to momentous augmentation in trade prediction and more smooth pick-up experiences. What is AI resident? The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Residency…
How do you write a sentence in Perfekt in German?
How do you write a sentence in Perfekt in German? To form the perfect tense, you need three parts: A subject. The subject is the person or thing who does the verb. An auxiliary verb. This is either haben (to have) or sein (to be). A past participle. This tells you what action is happening…
What are the benefits of Google Earth?
What are the benefits of Google Earth? Using Google Earth and maps in classrooms can help visualize abstract concepts across a global canvas, allowing students to connect what they learn inside to what they experience in their daily lives, community, and to the larger world. Google Earth’s creation tools allow you to create your own…
Why did birds survive when dinosaurs went extinct?
Why did birds survive when dinosaurs went extinct? The combination of bigger brains, small size, their ability to eat a wider palate of foods, and their ability to fly ultimately may have helped birds survive the last mass extinction. Why did dinosaurs evolve into birds? The gradual evolutionary change – from fast-running, ground-dwelling bipedal theropods…
What are the four types of legislation that are introduced in Congress?
What are the four types of legislation that are introduced in Congress? Bills can be introduced at any time the House is in session. There are four basic types of legislation: bills; joint resolutions; concurrent resolutions; and simple resolutions. A bill’s type must be determined. What happens when Congress passes legislation? If the bill passes…
Is it worth learning data structures and algorithms to become a software engineer?
Is it worth learning data structures and algorithms to become a software engineer? YES, Data Structures and Algorithms are the identity of a Good Software Developer. A data structure is a named place that can be used to store and organize data. And, an algorithm is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem….