What AI technologies are being used the most in industry? 5 Industries Which Rely Heavily on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Transportation. If you think self-driving cars are products of a distant future, smart cars have already made their way to the markets. Healthcare. Finance. Manufacturing Industries. Advertising. What are 3 sectors of business that…
Category: FAQ
How do I become a part time journalist?
How do I become a part time journalist? Sign up on freelance writing websites. To get the initial experience that you may need, try signing up to freelancing websites such as Freelancer, Elance or oDesk. These websites have small one-time assignments offered by people who need writers. Create an account and start to bid on…
How is inheritance divided if no will?
How is inheritance divided if no will? In most cases, the estate of a person who died without making a will is divided between their heirs, which can be their surviving spouse, uncle, aunt, parents, nieces, nephews, and distant relatives. If, however, no relatives come forward to claim their share in the property, the entire…
What can jet engine bleed air be used for?
What can jet engine bleed air be used for? In civil aircraft, bleed air’s primary use is to provide pressure for the aircraft cabin by supplying air to the environmental control system. Additionally, bleed air is used to keep critical parts of the plane (such as the wing leading edges) ice-free. What is jet engine…
What does foreign address in netstat mean?
What does foreign address in netstat mean? In “netstat” command – Local Address shows the address & port number of the local end of the socket. Whereas. Foreign Address shows the address & port number of the remote end of the socket. What does it mean when a device has multiple IP addresses? An IP…
Why is nursing major so hard?
Why is nursing major so hard? Nursing programs have a demanding credit load, and many students stack challenging courses during the same term in order to fast-track their degrees. That could mean multiple critical exams falling on the same day or week. However, as long as you take the time to study and prepare, you…
Did the Jedi know Palpatine was a Sith?
Did the Jedi know Palpatine was a Sith? Although the Jedi were at their most powerful during the prequels, they still didn’t know Palpatine was a Sith Lord. The fact that Palpatine was able to hide his identity in plain sight and without any fears of discovery is a true testament to his abilities in…
What is saturation DC machine?
What is saturation DC machine? Magnetic saturation’s meaning is simply that increasing an external magnetic field can no longer increase the magnetization of your material. What is saturation in machine? Seen in some magnetic materials, saturation is the state reached when an increase in applied external magnetic field H cannot increase the magnetization of the…
What is the common property of BST and AVL tree?
What is the common property of BST and AVL tree? In BST, there is no term exists, such as balance factor. In the AVL tree, each node contains a balance factor, and the value of the balance factor must be either -1, 0, or 1. Every Binary Search tree is not an AVL tree because…
Can multiple WiFi routers interfere with each other?
Can multiple WiFi routers interfere with each other? If both the existing and second routers are wireless, their Wi-Fi signals can interfere with each other, causing dropped connections and unpredictable network slowdowns. To avoid signal interference between two routers in a home, set the first router to channel 1 or 6 and the second to…