Can an airline have multiple hubs? Most major airlines have multiple hubs. They claim that hubs allow them to offer more flights for passengers. A good example of a hub-and-spoke system is that of Delta Airlines, which has its hub at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport. What does it mean when an airline has a hub?…
Category: FAQ
What is the order of avenues in NYC?
What is the order of avenues in NYC? First Avenue, Second Avenue, Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue (in parts called Lexington Avene), Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue (also called Avenue of the Americas), Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue (in parts called Central Park West), Ninth Avenue, Tenth Avenue (in parts called West End Avenue), Eleventh Avenue, Twelfth Avenue….
What is PWR and BWR?
What is PWR and BWR? The main difference between a BWR and PWR is that in a BWR, the reactor core heats water, which turns to steam and then drives a steam turbine. In a PWR, the reactor core heats water, which does not boil. This hot water then exchanges heat with a lower pressure…
Why do sign language interpreters make strange faces?
Why do sign language interpreters make strange faces? They’re making what you call silly faces for a variety of reasons. One is to mouth the word they’re signing, since many signs work for more than 1 word or phrase. Secondly, they’re used to convey some of the feeling/emotion of what’s being signed, just as hearing…
Which is the most trusted news channel in the UK?
Which is the most trusted news channel in the UK? BBC1 remains the most-used news source across all platforms, with a 62 per cent reach among all online UK adults, the same as last year, followed by ITV, which dropped from 49 per cent to 46 per cent, and Facebook, which dropped from 40 per…
What is diagnostic career test in CoCubes?
What is diagnostic career test in CoCubes? It is mandatory for all the students to take this assessment exam, scores will be sent to companies by COCUBES for further recruitment process. Students will be having their class work in the remaining Time. If any student fail to take this exam they will not be shorted…
What to do when your parents are embarrassing?
What to do when your parents are embarrassing? Try these strategies: If it’s not serious, forget it. If their actions are valid, deal. Define what’s embarrassing. Choose a good time and place. Speak respectfully. Ask for what you want. Roni Cohen-Sandler is the author of Stressed Out Girls: Helping Them Thrive in the Age of…
Can you extinguish fire with snow?
Can you extinguish fire with snow? The dry snow has enough air in it to fuel the fire, but the water content of the melted dry snow is not enough to quench the fire. So, although heavy snowfalls can usually help extinguish winter wildfires, there are situations when snow won’t help. Are thunderstorms good for…
Will Goku and Beerus ever fight again?
Will Goku and Beerus ever fight again? Beerus Rematch Is Unlikely To Happen. One thing that viewers may expect from the next Dragon Ball anime is a rematch between Goku and Beerus. So much has happened since the Battle of Gods Saga that a different result is guaranteed (even if Beerus still triumphs in the…
Do e-cigarettes cause popcorn lung?
Do e-cigarettes cause popcorn lung? Even though we know that diacetyl causes popcorn lung, this chemical is found in many e-cigarette flavors. It is added to “e-juice” liquid by some e-cigarette companies to complement flavorings such as vanilla, maple, coconut and more. Does diacetyl cause popcorn lung? Even though we know that diacetyl causes popcorn…