Can private companies manufacture weapons in India? Manufacturing in defence sector is governed through industrial licensing under the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 and Arms Act 1959/Arm Rules 2016. However, in 2001, the Government allowed 100\% participation by Indian private sector in defence manufacturing subject to licensing. Can we manufacture weapons in India? The…
Category: FAQ
What are some old words or expressions that are no longer commonly used?
What are some old words or expressions that are no longer commonly used? 100 Slang Terms From the 20th Century No One Uses Anymore Germsville. Shutterstock. Beat feet. iStock. Cruisin’ for a bruisin’ Shutterstock. Made in the shade. Shutterstock. Burn rubber. Shutterstock. Pad. Shutterstock/Breadmaker. Ankle-biter. Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images. Word from the bird. Shutterstock. What are…
What is the quantization error in ADC?
What is the quantization error in ADC? Answer : Quantization error is the difference between the analog signal and the closest available digital value at each sampling instant from the A/D converter. Quantization error also introduces noise, called quantization noise, to the sample signal. How is ADC quantization error calculated? This error is called quantization…
Can a UK radiologist work in USA?
Can a UK radiologist work in USA? Qualifications needed to start radiology training in the US: The American Board of Radiology (ABR) has outlined requirements for foreign trained radiologists. Once you have completed your medical equivalency exam (USMLE), you can begin radiology training in the USA. Can radiologists work abroad? Nighthawk firms say the radiologists…
Is it haram for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim?
Is it haram for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim? Most religious scholars agree that Islam permits Muslim men to marry “women of the book” – Christians or Jews – thus expanding the number of potential partners to choose from. Muslim women, on the other hand, are forbidden to marry a non-Muslim unless her partner…
What causes ATP to decrease?
What causes ATP to decrease? Complex changes in mitochondrial structure and function, including disorganization of mitochondrial structure, decline in the activity of enzymes involved in mitochondrial ATP synthesis, accumulation of mtDNA mutations, increased damage of mitochondrial proteins and lipids by reactive oxygen species are considered to … What reduces ATP yield? The use of intermediates…
Is drinking Irn Bru bad for you?
Is drinking Irn Bru bad for you? Verdict: Packed full of E-numbers, including yellow and red food colouring, both of which are believed to increase hyperactivity, Irn Bru isn’t the best choice for the kids. With a high calorie count and added caffeine, it’s not one to choose if you’re on a diet or have…
How did Goku Defeat Majin Buu?
How did Goku Defeat Majin Buu? Pure Buu was defeated by Goku using a Spirit Bomb powered by every last ounce of power the people of Earth could give him without dying, combined with a little extra push from Goku as a Super Saiyan. Pure Buu was eventually reincarnated as the human Uub. Can Goku…
Are files deleted from Recycle Bin permanently deleted?
Are files deleted from Recycle Bin permanently deleted? When you delete a file from your computer, it moves to the Windows Recycle Bin. You empty the Recycle Bin and the file is permanently erased from the hard drive. Until the space is overwritten, it is possible to recover the deleted data by using a low-level…
What are some of the values that have guided you through life?
What are some of the values that have guided you through life? 29 Most Important Values To Life By Courage. Courage is about doing what you believe needs to be done — not in the absence of fear but in spite of it. Kindness. Kindness is about treating others the way you want to be…