Why BJT is used in bandgap reference? Most BGR use bipolar junction transistors (BJT) to easily reduce the temperature dependence, due to temperature coefficients, other common practice is the use of operational amplifiers (OP-AMP). How does a bandgap voltage reference work? A bandgap voltage reference is a temperature independent voltage reference circuit widely used in…
Category: FAQ
Is there another name for bishop in chess?
Is there another name for bishop in chess? set design. The bishop was known by different names—“fool” in French and “elephant” in Russian, for example—and was not universally recognized by a distinctive mitre until the 19th century. Depiction of the rook also varied considerably. Does bishop mean fool in French? The Bishop has its roots…
What counters mangudai?
What counters mangudai? Saracen camels and mamelukes are perfect counters to Paladins and Mangudai, especially if you have Zealotry researched to give them +30 HP. In this scenario, if you create an army of camels and/or mamelukes the same size as the Mongol army of Paladins and Mangudai, you should win. How do I upgrade…
How do I deal with my ex talking to someone new?
How do I deal with my ex talking to someone new? How To Deal If You’re Having A Hard Time Let yourself feel whatever you’re feeling. But refrain from acting on those emotions. Stop looking up your ex and their new S.O. on social media. Figure out what excites you. Come up with your own…
Are dogs actually hungry when they beg for food?
Are dogs actually hungry when they beg for food? It may seem like your dog is hungry, but if they are getting regular meals, they likely aren’t starving. They just want to eat, much like humans eat when we’re not really hungry. But just because they want those table scraps doesn’t mean they should have…
Is Iqbal the greatest poet?
Is Iqbal the greatest poet? He is best known for his poetic works, including Asrar-e-Khudi – after whose publication he was awarded a knighthood, Rumuz-e-Bekhudi, and the Bang-e-Dara. In Iran, where he is known as Iqbāl-e Lāhorī (Iqbal of Lahore), he is highly regarded for his Persian works. Iqbal died in 1938. Did Allama Iqbal…
How many GB is PUBG emulator?
How many GB is PUBG emulator? Storage: 30 GB available space. How long does Tencent gaming buddy take to download? Download and install the Tencent Gaming Buddy emulator Once the download is complete, run the software and it will automatically download the required files. The installation process may take 10-15 minutes depending on the performance…
How blockchain can be used for identification and authentication of a IoT devices?
How blockchain can be used for identification and authentication of a IoT devices? With the introduction of blockchain, authentication and identification of devices will be secured over distributed database technology. Each IoT node can be registered and authenticated in the blockchain and will have a unique ID and address. Thus, it will help in unique…
How can I improve my Islamic knowledge?
How can I improve my Islamic knowledge? 15 Practical Ways to Seek Islamic Knowledge Make the Intention to Seek Knowledge. Attend Classes at a Masjid/Mosque. Listen Attentively to the Jumu’ah Khutbah. Take Arabic Classes. Attend Halaqahs. Attend Seminars. Read the Qur’an. Study Alongside a Scholar, Shaykh, or Imam. How do I embrace Islam? For a…
What is my A1C If my average blood sugar is 190?
What is my A1C If my average blood sugar is 190? For example, if you check blood glucose 100 times in a month, and your average result is 190 mg/dL this would lead to an A1C of approximately 8.2\%, which is above the target of 7\% or lower recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA)…