Is the any scope for automation testing? The extent to which automation is used in the testing process defines the scope of automated testing. Among system tests, automation best facilitates security, configuration, and load testing. Regression testing also works well with automation during development and at the initial time of release. What are your roles…
Category: Life
How do biker gangs get money?
How do biker gangs get money? Most motorcycle clubs don’t make enough money to be profitable. MC’s often commit to buying or starting a business or two for extra income, but mainly cover their costs by having a club fee for each member. They also often host rallies or some other type of event for…
Whats the difference between bro and brah?
Whats the difference between bro and brah? As nouns the difference between bro and bruh is that bro is (slang) brother; a male sibling while bruh is (archaic) the rhesus macaque or bruh can be (slang). What does brah mean in slang? noun. (also bra) 1US, South African informal A male friend or associate. ‘his…
What do guys first see in a girl?
What do guys first see in a girl? 1. Your Smile. A lady’s mouth is often the very first part of a woman a guy will see. Not only are great lips and teeth sexy, but guys will look to your mouth for social cues, as it’s the most expressive feature you possess. What should…
Where in the Bible does it say we were born to die?
Where in the Bible does it say we were born to die? 2 Corinthians 6:9 We were born to die, and we die to live. (See 2 Corinthians 6:9.) Who said we are born to die? Quote by William Shakespeare: “Well, we were born to die.” Why do we die in life? We die naturally…
What is the difference between datetime and LocalDateTime?
What is the difference between datetime and LocalDateTime? A Datetime is instead a physical concept (an instant of time), which in addition has a Timezone, and hence, it can be expressed in day/month/year. a LocalDateTime is just a bunch of numbers (day, month, year, hour, minute…) that represent a civil (not a physic) concept. What…
Why hosting is required?
Why hosting is required? You need web hosting to store your web files and make your website available on the internet. In addition to that, purchasing a dedicated server is expensive and impractical. What is hosting and why is it important? Having a good website hosting is essential so your brand can offer a quality…
What should you do when you make a mistake when Fingerspelling?
What should you do when you make a mistake when Fingerspelling? Fingerspelling Do’s and Don’ts: If you make a mistake, just pause and start again. Don’t “erase” the air. For more than one word you can either have a short pause between words, or a slight move to spell the next word. What are the…
What is the most energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks?
What is the most energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks? EE-MRP: Energy-Efficient Multistage Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. What are the challenges of wireless sensor networks? Challenges in such WSN include high bandwidth demand, high energy consumption, quality of service (QoS) provisioning, data processing and compressing techniques, and cross-layer design. How energy efficient…
Who controls AML?
Who controls AML? There are specialised authorities dealing with money laundering issues such as the Reserve Bank of India / Securities and Exchange Board of India(“SEBI”)/Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India which also prescribe guidelines on anti-money laundering standards based on PMLA and Rules. 2. What banks do criminals use? ICIJ’s investigation shows that…