What disease does Magic Johnson have? On Nov. 7, 1991, Los Angeles Lakers point guard Earvin “Magic” Johnson shocked the world when he announced that he had contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. What did Magic Johnson say about AIDS? On the 25th anniversary of Magic Johnson disclosing he had AIDS, researchers say even…
Category: Life
How do you get side by side seats on a train?
How do you get side by side seats on a train? While doing reservation at railway counter you can request the booking clerk to allot seats together. And if seats are available, more often than not the railway booking clerk at reservation counter is happy to book all the passengers mentioned on reservation form together….
WHO launched Agni missile?
WHO launched Agni missile? Agni-V Development India first flight tested the Agni-V on April 19, 2012, successfully launching the missile from its Integrated Test Range in Odisha to a designated point in the Indian Ocean. The missile travelled over 5,000 km, reaching a maximum altitude of 600 km. What is the first missile? The first…
How do I fix build gradle error?
How do I fix build gradle error? 30 Answers Goto File -> Invalidate caches / Restart. Shutdown Android Studio. Rename/remove .gradle folder in the user home directory. Restart Android Studio (It will download gradle metadata and data) Gradle build succeed. Rebuild project. Done. Why does Gradle build fail? Guys basically this problem occurs when you…
Do mosquitoes bite when you drink alcohol?
Do mosquitoes bite when you drink alcohol? BoozeHere’s some bad news: Consuming alcohol may make your blood tastier to mosquitoes, according to a 2011 French study. Researchers discovered that the alcoholic equivalent of three cans of beer can lead to 30 percent more bug bites, at least for men in a controlled laboratory setting. Can…
How do I do Ctrl Alt Delete on a Mac?
How do I do Ctrl Alt Delete on a Mac? How to force quit on a Mac using a keyboard shortcut Pressing Command + Option + Escape on a Mac is equivalent to pressing Control + Alt + Delete on a PC. Apple/Business Insider. Select the program you want to close. Business Insider. Select “Force…
How do I start an offshore company in Luxembourg?
How do I start an offshore company in Luxembourg? Luxembourg Company Registration Only one director is required for a Luxembourg Sàrl, and there are no restrictions on nationality or residency. Only one shareholder is required. The companies Share Capital must be paid into a Business Bank Account. Lowest VAT rate in Europe at 3 to…
What is a Jedi lightsaber made of?
What is a Jedi lightsaber made of? kyber crystal Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will. It was a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force….
Why is there no bon appetit in English?
Why is there no bon appetit in English? Enjoy your meal? “Bon appetit” in French, “buen provecho” in Spanish, or “guten appetit” in German are all essentially a blessing or good wishes for another person’s meal. It’s not as if there is no use for the phrase, as people often say “bon appetit” in the…
Are submarines really undetectable?
Are submarines really undetectable? Ballistic-missile submarines are built to evade detection by making as little noise as possible. They move slowly—usually no more than 20 knots. They’re coated in anechoic tile, a rubbery substance that absorbs sound and prevents sonar detection. And nearly every moving part is isolated so that it won’t transmit sound. Are…