What is the role of Air Force? Its mission, simply put, is to defend the nation through the control and exploitation of air and space. Although obviously tasked with flying missions, most personnel work on the ground in various construction, support and technical capacities. What is the role of Indian Army? The primary mission of…
Category: Life
How do you greet hello in Indonesia?
How do you greet hello in Indonesia? Halo means “Hi,” or “Hello.” We use it when we meet. It’s very casual, so we should only use this greeting with friends or relatives. If you have to greet someone in a formal situation, say: selamat siang! How do you say hello in Bahasa? Saying Hello Based…
Who is Pranav In Hindu mythology?
Who is Pranav In Hindu mythology? Pranav is an Indian name meaning Om, a sacred sound and symbol. According to Hindu mythology, Pranav is said to be the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva combined. It can also be referred to as Om, which is a very simple sound with a complex meaning. Is Aum…
How do you find prime numbers from 1 to N in C?
How do you find prime numbers from 1 to N in C? #include void main() { int i,j,n; printf(“Enter the number till which you want prime numbers\n”); scanf(“\%d”,&n); printf(“Prime numbers are:-\n”); for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { int c=0; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { if(i\%j==0) { c++; } } if(c==2) { printf(“\%d “,i); How do you find the number of prime numbers…
What are the consequences of appreciation of Indian currency?
What are the consequences of appreciation of Indian currency? Further, foreign studies could also become cheaper, resulting in an increase in the number of Indian students. An appreciating Indian rupee will also help ease pressures related to foreign debt servicing (interest payments on debts raised in foreign currencies) on India and Indian companies. Does stock…
How do I withdraw from NEET Counselling?
How do I withdraw from NEET Counselling? If you don’t join the allotted institute with in stipulated time the admission will automatically get cancelled and you can exercise the free exit clause. You can definitely participate in your state counseling. You don’t have to do anything. Do not join the alloted college as for now….
Do all cars have adaptive cruise control?
Do all cars have adaptive cruise control? Still, with technological advancements, adaptive cruise control is now a common feature found in many different car models. Autobytel says this means ACC is now accessible to everyone, and even if your current vehicle doesn’t have ACC, you can always have it installed. What Hyundai models have adaptive…
What are the long term effects of BPH?
What are the long term effects of BPH? First, although it has nothing to do with cancer, untreated BPH has the potential to lead to serious complications, ranging from urinary tract infections and stones in the bladder or kidney to urinary retention and kidney damage. Can BPH lead to bladder cancer? BPH is associated with…
How do I enable VoLTE on my iPhone 5s?
How do I enable VoLTE on my iPhone 5s? Set up Voice over LTE Calling (VoLTE) – Apple iPhone 5s Select Settings. Select Mobile Data. Select Mobile Data Options. Select Enable 4G. To enable VoLTE calls, select Voice & Data. To disable VoLTE calls, select Off. Your iPhone will now use the 3G network for…
Can you survive stage 3 multiple myeloma?
Can you survive stage 3 multiple myeloma? The average survival rate for stage 3 multiple myeloma is 29 months. However, significant medical advances are helping to increase survival rates. Researchers are attempting to find new treatment methods that can prolong the survival rate. Can you live 25 years with myeloma? “I have seen patients live…