Why do I hear beeping in my wall? Some are innocuous- the battery in some electronic device or toy may be dying. There are also beeps that can signal danger, a smoke alarm, a CO2 alarm, a water sensor, and many more. If you are not old enough to check it out yourself, leave the…
Category: Life
What is difference between debit card with name and without name?
What is difference between debit card with name and without name? Debit Cards are issued in 2 forms – Personalized Card – the name of the Cardholder is printed on the Card and PIN is received at the communication address of the Card Holder. Non–Personalized Card – the Card Holder’s Name is not printed on…
How did Intel fall so far behind?
How did Intel fall so far behind? Intel first fell behind when its 10nm transistors were delayed for three years. Last year, the company disclosed delays in its next-generation 7nm technology, which is now due in 2023. These delays ultimately cost the former CEO his job. Why is Intel so far behind TSMC? Intel’s chips…
Can 3×3 matrix have 4 eigenvectors?
Can 3×3 matrix have 4 eigenvectors? So it’s not possible for a 3 x 3 matrix to have four eigenvalues, right? right. How do you find eigenvalues and determinants? det(A) = λ1 · λ2 ····· λn i.e. the determinant is the product of the eigenvalues, counted with multiplicity. Show that the trace is the sum…
How do you find the North Star in the southern hemisphere?
How do you find the North Star in the southern hemisphere? At the equator, Polaris would appear to sit right on the horizon. So if you travel to the north, the North Star climbs progressively higher the farther north you go. When you head south, the star drops lower and ultimately disappears once you cross…
Is narcissism developed or genetic?
Is narcissism developed or genetic? Genetic. Narcissistic personality disorder is an inheritable psychological condition; research evidence indicates that a person is more likely to develop NPD if said personality disorder occurs in the medical history of his or her family. Can narcissism be cured? Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treatment There is no cure, but therapy can…
Do postdocs have to teach?
Do postdocs have to teach? Traditional research-only postdocs may receive teaching training or locate part-time teaching positions with the assistance of a number of organizations aimed at science faculty-in-training. Organizations such as FSE and WPST address a perceived need for teacher training at the college level. How long can you be a postdoc for? Based…
What is the maximum value or a Reynolds number?
What is the maximum value or a Reynolds number? Actually, the transition between laminar and turbulent flow occurs not at a specific value of the Reynolds number but in a range usually beginning between 1,000 to 2,000 and extending upward to between 3,000 and 5,000. What is the critical Reynolds no for open channel flows?…
How accurate was an Indian bow and arrow?
How accurate was an Indian bow and arrow? As 1830s and early 1840s Southwestern traveler Josiah Gregg put it: “The arms of the wild Indians are chiefly the bow and arrows, with the use of which they become remarkably expert…at distances under fifty yards, with an accuracy equal to the rifle.” What made the Indian…
Why is it called synchronous programming?
Why is it called synchronous programming? Synchronous means “at the same time”. Thus asynchronous is “not at the same time”. Whilst no function will return a result at the same time as being called, to the calling code it appears to do so, as the latter’s execution stops whilst the function runs. Thus such functions…