How did they put out fires in ancient times? Fires would be fought by filling buckets with water and then throwing them against fire. Firefighters could also use axes to destroy buildings in order to prevent them from catching fire. Once a house caught fire, Crassus would send his slaves to fight the fire. How…
Category: Most popular
What are the easiest cancers to cure?
What are the easiest cancers to cure? What are the most curable cancers? Breast cancer. Prostate cancer. Testicular cancer. Thyroid cancer. Melanoma. Cervical cancer. Hodgkin lymphoma. Do any cancers have a cure? Treatment. There are no cures for any kinds of cancer, but there are treatments that may cure you. Many people are treated for…
What is a slick sleeve?
What is a slick sleeve? Airman basic (AB) is the lowest enlisted rank in the United States Air Force immediately below airman. The lack of uniform insignia for airman basic is the reason for the nickname “slick-sleeve”; all other enlisted Air Force ranks wear stripes and chevrons on their uniform sleeves. When did the army…
What happens when ATP reacts with water?
What happens when ATP reacts with water? ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP in the reaction ATP+H2O→ADP+Pi+ free energy; the calculated ∆G for the hydrolysis of 1 mole of ATP is -57 kJ/mol. The energy released from the hydrolysis of ATP into ADP is used to perform cellular work, usually by coupling the exergonic reaction of…
Which exercise is best for sleep?
Which exercise is best for sleep? Soon you’ll be sleeping like a baby. Bhramari pranayama breathing exercise. Three-part breathing exercise. Diaphragmatic breathing exercise. Alternate nasal breathing exercise. Buteyko breathing. The Papworth method. Kapalbhati breathing exercise. 9. Box breathing. What are the benefits of working out at night? 6 Benefits of a Late-Night Workout It Boosts…
What does the fish represent in the fish?
What does the fish represent in the fish? These fish lines show fish’s persistence, strength and battle for its life, and they look like medals with their ribbons. This is the moment when the fisherwoman begins to realize her victory, because those fish lines are what connects her to the creature in a strongly human…
How important is SAT in college admissions?
How important is SAT in college admissions? SAT scores help colleges compare students from different high schools. Your scores show your strengths and readiness for college work. But remember, scores are just one part of your college application, along with grades, course rigor and recommendations. Do colleges favor SAT over ACT? Short answer: there’s no…
How do I open an EML file in browser?
How do I open an EML file in browser? Right-click on an EML file ans select Open with >. Click on Select another app. Pick the specific browser; you may have to search for it if it is not in the list. Check Always use this app to open . What program opens a .EML…
How many hours of homework should a 7th grader have?
How many hours of homework should a 7th grader have? At grades 1-3, homework should be limited to an hour or less per day, while in grades 4-6, homework should not exceed 90 minutes. The upper limit in grades 7-8 is 2 hours and the limit in high school should be 2.5 hours. How many…
Is a reverse stock split a good time to buy?
Is a reverse stock split a good time to buy? Often, companies that use reverse stock splits are in distress. But if a company times the reverse stock split along with significant changes that improve operations, projected earnings and other information important to investors, the higher price may stick and could rise further. Why do…