What is the salary of loco pilot after 5 years? Their salary is depend on Rs 1 Lakh 20 Thousand to Rs 1 Lakh 50,000. Grade Pay Rs 4200. Railway Loco Pilot Promotion: After joining as Assistant Loco Pilot. Employee only wait to get in cadre of Loco Pilot Express or Chief Loco Inspector. What…
Category: Most popular
How do you create a file compressor?
How do you create a file compressor? To zip (compress) a file or folder Locate the file or folder that you want to zip. Press and hold (or right-click) the file or folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder. A new zipped folder with the same name is created…
How do I become a network security specialist?
How do I become a network security specialist? You must have a degree in computer science, information technology, or any other related field. Additional certifications like CEH and CISSP would be beneficial. A network security specialist is also required to have in-depth knowledge about database security, computing ethics, and system administration. Is network security a…
What did Robert E Lee say after Gettysburg?
What did Robert E Lee say after Gettysburg? When on the afternoon of the second day Stuart did show up at Gettysburg, after pushing himself nearly to exhaustion, Lee’s only greeting to him is said to have been, “Well, General Stuart, you are here at last.” A coolly devastating cut: Lee’s way of chewing out…
How do you prove a radius is perpendicular to a chord?
How do you prove a radius is perpendicular to a chord? The first theorem says that if a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord in the circle, then the radius bisects the chord. The proof of this theorem relies on the forming of two congruent triangles. First, you know that when you…
Why are September October November and December not the 7 8 9 10 months?
Why are September October November and December not the 7 8 9 10 months? September, October and December are named after the Roman numbers seven, eight and 10 respectively. At some point, when they supposedly changed it to 12, the Romans added January and February at the front of the year, which pushed the other…
What is full site measurement in Bangalore?
What is full site measurement in Bangalore? The sites would be of the dimensions 20×30 sqft, 30×40 sqft, 40×60 sqft and 50×80 sqft. Nearly, one thousand 20 * 30 sites (600 square feet) are reserved for Economic Weaker sections (EWS) of the society. These sites are available at subsidized rates. Is it good to buy…
What if humans were ant size?
What if humans were ant size? The answer is: 14,000,000 (or 14.000. 000 if you prefer that style). There would have to be 14 million ants to equal your mass, which means that this new Earth would be 14 million times smaller. Humans can’t be the size of an ant, and if we were, the…
Which is better Capgemini or ITC Infotech?
Which is better Capgemini or ITC Infotech? Capgemini is most highly rated for Work/life balance and ITC Infotech is most highly rated for Work/life balance…. Overall Rating 3.2 3.1 Job security and advancement 3.5 3.6 Management Is ITC Infotech better than Wipro? ITC Infotech is most highly rated for Job security and advancement and Wipro…
Is physiotherapy good career for girls?
Is physiotherapy good career for girls? ANSWER (1) Yeah physiotherapy has great opportunities in future, its good for girls even but as i heard from experienced women that its better up to 35-45 years for girls after that they cannot handle it. Can I join BPT after 12th? Those who have completed their secondary education…